Scrapyard site - monomad - eng/esp

in voilk •  last month

    When we were allowed to enter the areas furthest from the public of the well-known University of the Arts (ISA), we entered as avid explorers hoping to find corners totally discordant with the creative spirit that reigns on that campus. I took Lorena with me because I have known her for many years and family ties in a certain way unite us, plus I am a photographer and she has beautiful eyes of changing tones . We walked through the sinuous and photogenic brick walls that characterize this large complex, and we went to the patio where old car chassis and some containers that no longer had their original use rest. The sunlight was already falling little by little and the shadows were lengthening and the tones were beginning their warmer symphony. Go ahead Lorena, pose for me!

    Cuando se nos permitió entrar a las zonas más alejadas del público de la conocida Universidad de las Artes(ISA), entramos como ávidos exploradores con la esperanza de encontrar rincones totalmente discordantes del espíritu creativo que reina en ese campus. Me llevé a Lorena conmigo porque la conozco hace muchos años y los lazos familiares de cierta manera nos unen, además de que soy fotógrafo y ella tiene unos bellísimos ojos de cambiantes tonos. Caminamos por las sinuosas y fotogénicas paredes de ladrillos que caracterizan este gran complejo, y fuimos a dar al patio donde descansan viejos chasis de autos y algunos contenedores que dejaron de tener su uso original. Ya la luz del sol iba cayendo de a poco y se iban alargando las sombras y los tonos comenzaban su sinfonía más cálida. Adelante Lorena, posa para mi!

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    Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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