Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Conflicts

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hi guys,

    Welcome to my blog once again for my entry into the Splinterlands social media challenge. For now, I’ve lost a lot of motivation to write so now most of my posts are based on spl. Don’t worry, I hope soon enough I’ll get that great feeling back and hopefully I’ll be back to writing every day again.

    So now let’s get into it.

    For this social media challenge, I’ll be writing about the new conflict system.

    One will ask, what are conflicts?


    Well in simple words, Spl Conflicts is their new airdrop system for new cards to players and this has come after the sale of the rebellion packs. I’ve not been playing Spl for a very long time but from the mouths of old veteran players, this is a new way of Spl airdropping their cards to players. In the past airdrops of new cards were based on buying a certain amount of cards as we saw with the rebellion card sale where 10 packs purchased on the website shop were guaranteed to get a certain card and then for 100 cards purchased there was a certain card guarantee as well.

    So one might ask how the conflict system works.


    Well for this one everyone on Spl is eligible to participate and the number of airdropped cards you get depends on the number of chances you get before time runs out.

    So there are 9 cards to airdropped to players and for each card players will participate in the wait period of 30 days. After 30 days players get airdropped the cards according to the chances they were able to accumulate.

    So what happens is players will buy wagons which cost about 1.87 dollars currently; wagons which are referred to as mage wagons can be bought using vouchers in the shop. After you buy those wagons you have to either stake your rebellion cards on those wagons or you stake rebellion unopened cards on those wagons.


    Each wagon can take up to 5 staked cards on it. Each card which has been staked cannot be sold, delegated or burned but they can be used in playing battles in the game.

    As you stake your cards the contribution manner starts to accumulate and for each fill of 100,000, you get 1 chance. For 200 chances you get 1 guaranteed chance of an airdrop. What this means is that even though you have the chance of being airdropped a card when you get one chance the chances are still slim as you’ll need to be lucky. But with 200 chances you are guaranteed that you’ll get airdropped one card.


    So for this one, we are already into the second card as it started like last 2 months or so. For the first one players got airdropped the card rage and for this one players will get kei. Well, hopefully, I can get an airdrop of 1 copy of Kei even though I know I won’t get to 200 chances before time runs out.

    I have about 4 wagons but the contributions of my cards are too small to get me to 200 chances for a guaranteed airdrop.

    Well for some of us, we like this new system because it seems to give everyone a chance but then if you don’t have rebellion cards you’ll need to buy them as you can’t also use rented cards to participate in this.

    Hopefully, we get lucky, heh.

    Unsourced Images have been taken from splinterlands.com

    If you want to register for Splinterlands you can use this link here

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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