Chick happiness

in voilk •  3 months ago

    First of all, I pray for all my friends, wherever they are, that they will always be healthy. And can carry out activities as usual. On today's occasion I would like to show some pictures that I have prepared for all my friends, I hope you will be entertained.
    Because I want to show some pictures of my pet chicks and I have looked after the chicks since they were just hatched until now they are a little big and their feathers have grown in full.

    I also feel very happy with their development, they are really very healthy to this day.
    And the chicken that I attached to it is a free-range chick that I kept and I took it directly from its mother after she gave birth.

    Now they are really very tame and today I let them go so they can enjoy the outdoors. Usually I keep it in a cage to protect it from disease and danger.
    Because now it's getting bigger, I'm trying to let it go and even though I let it go, it's still under supervision because maybe it's not used to living in the wild so it can't adapt freely so it has to be kept under supervision.

    Today I deliberately took several portraits to display in my post. I hope my friends will be entertained by my partner. Thank you for sending my message, see you in the next post.

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