My Clean Planet Activities Day #56

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    How are you all doing today, I'm doing great and I hope you are all doing well in your various places. It is really good to be here with you again and I welcome you all to my blog with a great pleasure.

    I started my day today in a funniest way, when I woke up, it was some minutes to six and I mistakenly checked my small phone and the time on it was telling me it's 4:30am and today is Saturday so I relaxed and set my mind to stand up by 6:00am since it's weekend not until I heard my neighbor shouting at her children to do quick that they are late for school.

    I stand up quickly and checked the wall clock and truly it is after six, the phone I checked doesn't have correct time and date so before I finished preparing my baby for his kindergarten it quite late.

    After coming back home, I did the house chores I left and before I was done I was so exhausted, I went out later this evening to get something and I was surprised to see how my street is so dirty and that is where I did my cleaning activities.

    It's always thanks to those who initiate this amazing clean planet activities which was a good thing, people are starting to see why cleaning is important and I was able to show my daily cleaning activities here everyday.

    Join me on the ride to my today's cleaning activities, this is my today 7th of March, year 2024.

    A big Thanks to

    Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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