First time being independent

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Everyone wants to be independent in life. And it's very natural because it gives us full freedom and allows us to do whatever we want. But being independent is not so easy, and we need to struggle to be independent in life.

    At first, let me clarify what it means to be independent in life. The first thing is the courage to take steps or make decisions on my own. Secondly, I need to be self dependent especially from the perspective of finance. Thirdly, nobody can dominate me or control me; it doesn't matter whatever the situation. After having done the three things I mentioned here, I can consider myself independent. There are many other things to be independent of, but I think the three I mentioned are the most significant ones.

    Let's talk about when I felt independent in life for the first time. That day is not too far because I felt it for the first time approximately 6 years ago. It was the time I started my university life, and I was staying in a mess because going to university from my home used to take a huge amount of time, and I used to lose valuable time in the vehicle. So I was staying in a mess with some of my friends, and in that place, my parents weren't controlling me because I was far from them. Although I was not controlling by then, I didn't do anything which might hurt them. Moreover, my parents had enough faith in me that I wouldn't do anything which might hurt them.

    Taking decisions on my own was a rare thing, and I used to do it in rare cases. Maybe it's because my friends always used to take most of my decisions from their measurements, for which I never bothered myself to take any kind of decision. As I was far from my parents in mess life, they weren't available to make decisions for me. So naturally, there, I used to take most of my decisions on my own. It wasn't an easy thing for me, but somehow I was able to do it, and it was also a life lesson.

    In the beginning, I was getting support from my father. The first several months passed like that, and my parents never gave me any kind of financial pressure either. But I was trying to be self-sufficient. It's because I was reading in university, and for financial matters, I felt I should try to handle it myself. That's the thought which drove me to find money making opportunities. The best way to do tutions which could give me a handsome salary at the end of the month, and I have chosen it. At the beginning, I started to do a tuition, which was paying me $60 per month. It was a handsome salary for me, and using the money, I could spend a month without any trouble. When I received my first salary, I was happy, and in the next month, I didn't ask for financial support from my father. I passed the whole month using the earning money of mine. It was an amazing feeling because after that month I felt the happiness of a self dependent person. A good and positive feeling made me so happy, and I can understand that it was because, at that time, I felt I was a truly independent person.


    If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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