Making bakwan is very easy and very delicious to eat when relaxing

in voilk •  12 days ago


    Assalamualaikum wr wb
    Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine wherever you are, here where we share stories about each other's lives and today I want to tell you a little about my activities in the afternoon with my beloved family, which is important always be grateful for God's blessings that we have experienced and today I want to show you some photos that I want to display here

    At first I was relaxing by watching my youngest playing happily with my nephew because I didn't do other activities because I had already done the cooking and just sat back and relaxed while looking after my youngest who was still small, I laughed happily seeing his behavior what's very funny is how happy a mother is when she sees her little one laughing happily, I let him play as much as he likes until he's really satisfied. When he's tired, I take him to bathe him because I want the youngest to be too tired, I think he's very tired. very sleepy and I went to sleep



    When I put my youngest to sleep I was confused about what activity to do because I didn't want to sleep and I didn't feel sleepy, so I thought of doing something. It occurred to me to make bakwan, it would be tastier because I was feeling hungry. and I immediately rushed out to the nearest shop which was not far from my house and immediately made it because it was very easy so I wanted to do it with just a few ingredients and I immediately stirred it



    After it was ready, stir it and the taste was right because I had tasted it a little and heated the oil over medium heat and I immediately fried it in hot fire and I waited a few minutes and then I turned it over so it didn't burn on the other side and lifted it because it was already cooked


    And this is the result of my bakwan fritters. It's very easy to make and we need very few ingredients, it tastes delicious and very crunchy, this is just the story, I hope you like it and thank you very much for stopping by my post, friends

    Greetings @maulidar

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