Productive over busy

in voilk •  2 months ago


    They who assert that a blind fatality produced the various effects we behold in this world talk very absurdly; for can anything be more unreasonable than to pretend that a blind fatality could be productive of intelligent beings?

    - Montesquieu -

    I've been busy productive lately; my job keeps me on the go and I have the need to push hard, lean into it to efficiently and effectively accomplish what's required; they pay me commensurate to my efforts of course - I'd not do it otherwise - and I'm good at the job but it takes a toll and sometimes I wonder if it's worth it, the price I pay for...the price I pay for my pay.

    I'm often asked how my day is going in conversations with people I meet professionally, colleagues, clients and so on, and I always, always, answer with:

    "It's been productive so far, how about yours," or words to that effect.

    I never say, "busy," as that, indicates it's been somewhat out of control - not something I want to accept or present to others.

    I may have many things to do and not enough time to do them, but I focus on preparation, prioritisation, delegation, efficiency, accuracy, diligence, attentiveness and other things that help me have an effective day - things that make me productive - and I don't like the thought or feeling of lack of control to creep in as that leaves the chance of feeling out of my depth and that's a slippery slope., it changes one's attitudes and actions.

    Feeling productive rather than busy, having that ethos and mindset, helps me to push forward and create better habits, processes and procedures and find efficiencies to work smarter towards my goals whether short, medium or long-term; it's a shift of mindset with a huge impact, for me at least.

    The truth is that I'm busy, always, but giving in to it will not fix, prevent or move it forward; only ownership, effort and responsibility will do that and that requires the right attitude hence the productive over busy ethos I embrace.

    Life seems more fast-paced now than it used to, certainly in my professional life where economic factors, an ever-changing business environment and the need for flexibility has meant one needs to find efficiencies; I wish it wasn't so, but keeping up is the only option. I wonder if you experience the same in your professional life and what measures you have in place to manage the process, the complexity, workload and your own thoughts and attitudes to keep you on track.

    Feel free to comment below if you have any thoughts on the productive over busy mindset or any other thoughts you feel are pertinent.

    Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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    Image(s) in this post are my own

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