Construcción de un Libro de Lectoescritura //Construction of a Literacy Book

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hola apreciados colegas, bendecido fin de semana, quisiera compartir con ustedes algunas fotografías de como elabore un libro de inicio de lectura con material de provecho, para un estudiante de 12 años con debilidades en lectura y escritura.

    Hello dear colleagues, blessed weekend, I would like to share with you some photographs of how I created a beginning reading book with useful material for a 12-year-old student with weaknesses in reading and writing.


    Yondri es un estudiante de bajo recursos y con una madre con una familia disfuncional. Está en 5to grado y aún no sabe Leer y su madre aún no se acerca por la escuela para retirar su boletín del primer lapso. A pesar de sus debilidades es un estudiante qué oralmente responde preguntas acertadamente, viene de otra institución y la verdad me preocupa mucho que por falta de ayuda en el hogar no logré avanzar en la lectura. Mis recursos como docente están bastante limitado, me hubiera gustado poder comprarle un libro, pero en vista de que no pude hacerlo, limpiando la biblioteca encontré una agenda con varias hojas y me dispuse a construirle un libro que facilite su aprendizaje.

    Yondri is a low-income student with a mother with a dysfunctional family. He is in 5th grade and does not yet know how to read and his mother has not yet come to the school to pick up his bulletin for the first period. Despite his weaknesses, he is a student who answers questions correctly orally. He comes from another institution and the truth is that I am very concerned that due to lack of help at home I was not able to advance in reading. My resources as a teacher are quite limited, I would have liked to be able to buy him a book, but since I couldn't do so, while cleaning the library I found an agenda with several pages and I set out to build him a book that would facilitate his learning.


    El cartón de un libro y con una pistola de silicón y un lapicero y guiandome por un libro Mi Jardín empecé a elaborar su libro, les muestro las imágenes.

    The cardboard of a book and with a silicone gun and a pen and guided by a book My Garden I began to make its book, I show you the images.


    Espero que a partir del lunes cuando regresemos a clases, se motive para aprender a leer.

    I hope that starting Monday when we return to school, you will be motivated to learn to read.


    Si observo interés en él trataré de comprarle su libro la próxima quincena si Dios quiere. 🙏 Como premio por sus avances.

    If I see interest in him, I will try to buy his book next fortnight, God willing. 🙏 as a reward for their progress.


    Escribí todos los sonidos que aparecen en el libro Mi Jardín ya que está bastante completo, hasta el texto sencillo ! Ya se leer!

    I wrote all the sounds that appear in the book My Garden since it is quite complete, even the simple text! I already know how to read!


    Espero de todo corazón ❤️ enseñar a Yondri a leer. Les contaré sus avances.

    Gracias por leer y visitar mi blog

    I hope with all my heart ❤️ to teach Yondri to read. I will tell you about your progress.

    Thank you for reading and visiting my blog

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