No alcohol , no party!?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    No alcohol, no party

    This phrase was repeated by a friend from another country every time we went out to enjoy the nightlife in Havana. Of course, being someone who doesn't drink much alcohol (if any at all), I asked him why alcohol was essential in his recipe for a perfect night.

    My friend explained that alcohol helped him loosen up (he's a respected accountant in Miami, and this was his way of escaping from his daily life). For a brief moment, he felt like a different person.

    While I understood his perspective, I silently decided to change it. Because in the recipe for a memorable night, alcohol wasn't even on the list of possible ingredients.

    Before I continue, let me mention that I consume very, very little alcohol—just a few glasses of wine on special occasions and the occasional beer with friends. The rest of the time, I'm a fan of Pepsi, Piña Colada, and natural juices.

    So, the "No alcohol, Yes party" operation began...

    How do you convince someone who walks into a place and immediately orders a drink not to do so? The only way was to entertain him.

    We started with something simple: a game night. It was a double-edged idea because it could have the opposite effect (especially if you've seen American movies). But it was a game night with nothing more than sodas and snacks.

    The night was filled with laughter, and we had a great time. But the best part was that the next day, my friend realized he hadn't consumed any alcohol. He couldn't believe it. He was the first one up, and by the time I woke up, breakfast was ready.

    All I could think was, "Who is this person, and what have they done with my friend?" 😄

    Step one was complete.

    I was showing him that alcohol doesn't make the night more special. Quite the opposite—you don't need to loosen up or feel like someone else. You just need the right company and nothing more.

    Step two: Going out at night and trying to prevent him from drinking.

    At this point, I knew things would get difficult, but I was determined to prove my point. If I could have fun without drinking, I was sure I could convince him to do the same.

    Unexpectedly, we ended up at a bar on a day when it was alcohol-free. Don't blame me—I cheated a little, but in love and war, anything goes, and in this case, it was a bit of both.

    I had memories of an uncle who died due to alcohol, ruining his family's life during his drunken episodes. I couldn't let my friend of so many years reach that point.

    Being a doctor and knowing all the risks associated with alcohol, I was even more determined. The mission had to succeed at all costs.

    However, we had a setback when some friends from abroad were in town. They invited us to watch a soccer match, and we had to make some concessions to the mission.

    The next day, I could barely get out of bed (I think I drank enough alcohol for the whole year). Now it was time to get back on track.

    To spare you the details, it took me two years to prove my point, and it wasn't easy. But it was worth it. The mission had its ups and downs, and there were moments when I wanted to give up.

    I even wondered if I had a problem and if it was normal not to drink and still have fun. But after two years, making my friend aware of this was incredible.

    Not only did my friend stop consuming so much alcohol, but he also decided to invest in a natural beverage brand in Mexico. Today, he's about to launch his own healthy drinks.

    If you forget everything I've told you and see him now, you wouldn't believe that he used to drink at least three beers a day and had a terrible temper because of it. Today, he's a different person.

    I know he won't thank me because he's too proud for that, but seeing his change and having contributed to it is more than enough for me.

    This is just an example that you don't need alcohol to have fun.

    Social pressure has made us believe otherwise, but the truth is that there are countless plans, countless things to do for entertainment, and none of them involve alcohol.

    I had this success story in my life, but I know that many people deal with this problem daily and may feel like they can't overcome it.

    If you are one of these people or know someone close who is, my advice is to lend a helping hand. My friend used to drink due to social pressure until he realized it was just nonsense.

    And yes, maybe you think changing this is crazy, and you can't imagine a night out without alcohol, but give it a try.

    As my grandmother used to say, "Be the change you want to see in the world."

    Trying to avoid alcohol will not only enhance your enjoyment of each night but also save you a good amount of money.

    It's all advantages.

    The truth is that the trend of zero alcohol is growing. We've seen brands like Heineken and Estrella de Galicia promoting their 0% alcohol products more strongly. After the pandemic, society has become more conscious of health-related aspects, and alcohol is a significant adversary in this regard.

    Major brands are embracing this trend and taking it to the next level.

    Do you know any examples of brands that have joined this trend?

    What do you think about this topic? Is it just a passing trend, or do you believe society is moving toward something positive?

    Do you think it's crazy to have fun without alcohol, or are you on Team 0 alcohol?

    I look forward to reading your comments.

    If you've made it this far, thank you for reading, and see you next time!

    This picture were taken by my girlfriend so that my friend would remember us every time he saw it, today he has it on one of the walls of his home.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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