Beyond the sparks in the journey of love.

in voilk •  last month

    It's been three years since a heartbreak that sent my friend into hibernation happened, and the story is as fresh as ever because I was actively involved. In fact, I was the connector in the relationship. It didn't went sour because one of them was a cheat or because of communication gap, but it was a result of an important factor that kicked so hard against their compatibility and built a bridge between them.

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    I am a friend to both parties. They were single that year, and I felt I could do a thing. My guy friend actually requested that I linked him up with one of my friends, and because I trust both of them to be good people, and to enjoy each other's company, I connected them. The chat started on WhatsApp, and for the very first time, my girlfriend said, "she felt something for the guy". She usually doesn't feel the love tings that fast, but she did with Tunde, and it was so beautiful to see. Honestly, I was excited. Super happy that my friend finally found a body where she would ft perfectly as the missing rib.

    The relationship was going fine until I told my friend to pop the question. I'm not a meddler, but I had to do that first because it is an important factor considering that my friend does not have the general market genotype, 'AA', so, I had to make her ask him what his genotype is. I had done that earlier, and he was certain that there was nothing to fear. All his family members are AA, including his late dad, even though he wasn't so sure about it.

    My friend's genotype is 'SC' and I've witnessed her going through the crisis multiple times, and I could only want the best for her and her children. That she doesn't transfer the same pains to her kids is very important, hence, the reason I kept asking both of them about it. And because they were both of marriageable age, and weren't willing to prolong the matter any longer, they wanted to settle after about six months of courting, so, it was important that I made sure everything was fine till the end.

    I requested that they go to the laboratory to confirm, especially, Tunde. Well, they went and his genotype came out to be 'AS'. That couldn't be, I said. According to him, he had done it a couple of times before and it wasn't this. The results were 'AA' and it's not supposed to change.
    I agreed with him, but told him to do the tests again at two different hospitals so it'll be an odd number of times. He did, and the results were the same... 'AS'.


    They were at the guy's parents home when all these happened. "Ms, it's the same thing. My genotype is AS", he said to me over the phone. At that point, I knew I had some real consolation to do. Both of them were deeply in love, but this is a sacrifice they couldn't make for the sake of their kids.

    While I was thinking of what to say to them, he called back, and said "he was going to go ahead and get married even with the genotype incompatibility". No, you can't, I responded. Except you have answers to some questions which were;

    1. Do you have enough money?
    2. Will your woman be ready to go ahead with the relationship with you?
    3. If yes, will she be ready to go through the processes of confirming the foetus' genotype before the baby comes? Or
    4. Are you willing to not have biological children?

    To these questions, he didn't have answers, so I suggested that I would speak with the girl, my friend which I did. Her response was, "even though there are sacrifices I would be willing to make for love, this is not one of them. I know the pains I've been through, and I'm not willing to gift such pain to my child".

    And, that was how the feelings became something that couldn't be allowed to continue to grow.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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