Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 9

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

    Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

    This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

    Click Back Button to Start At The Beginning

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    Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 9

    Dear Reader, Do you expect the unexpected?

    Are you open to surprises that will warp your worldview?

    At a certain age we think we know everything, and every following year we start to realize more and more that we know nothing.

    Are you ready to accept that maybe you know nothing?

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    After that close inspection, I am almost certain I´m holding a black pearl.

    "The black pearl is for her, you may still need the seven white ones." That voice, the timbre it´s all Kyra.

    "That pearl will remind her of the life she led before she met you, give it to her this morning and tell her she is free. She has had to share her body with others for too long, this last time will be her liberation."

    "Now come, lie with me, for the gods are abominations, and I see them willing to grant me but a few palpitations in your arms before they bring me back."

    However, the gods grant us the pleasure of the entire night. As I lie thinking about what just happened I know it was real.

    It was Kyra, sitting on my lap.
    I saw her, I smelled her, her naked body melted together with mine.

    Knowing that she too wanted nothing more fervently than this moment.

    It was her body leaning against mine, convulsing as I came deep inside her.

    Then I was hijacked by a feeling of peace that I had never felt before. It reached from my loins to my abdomen and through to my heart. A feeling so intense that I can now die peacefully.

    I relive the feeling many times, after which we ended up with my arms wrapped around her so she could never leave again. My Kyra, in my arms and in my sleepless mind because I don't want to miss a second of this night.

    I don´t want to fall asleep, I don´t want this to end.
    I must have dozed off in the morning, but it was short-lived because the body trapped in my arms tries to escape the grip.

    "Sorry," she says, I didn't want to wake you, but I have to report for breakfast right away, and to be honest I have no idea how we got here.

    "Lilith, I'm sorry you got involved in this. Don't ask me to explain but last night you gave me something I never dreamed of."

    I turn around and take the black pearl I tucked away in my vest, "go to a big city where no one knows you. Take your time and find someone you can trust. This pearl I hope will change your life forever like you changed my life last night."

    Suddenly her eyes are not those of the strong woman, but I see a much too young child in an adult body.
    "Sir, you don't have to lie to me, I have grown used to what I am. But fobbing me off with a marble is indeed childish. I didn't ask you for any compensation."


    I suppress a smile.
    "I understand your distrust," I say as I walk naked across the room, somewhat awkwardly to my saddlebags, and show her one of the white pearls, "trust me, this is not a marble."

    The young eyes change from shock and disbelief to holding some hope.

    "Let's have breakfast together and don't talk about this to anyone, never. If you have to explain to the buyer how you got this pearl, make him promise to keep it a secret and tell him that the pearl was a gift from the man who spoke at the empress's funeral, which sounds so unbelievable that it must be true."

    During our breakfast, I confirm Lilith's suspicion that her uncle had been supporting her invisibly for some time. “Can you please tell him, he shouldn't have to worry about me in his old age?”

    "Visit him as soon as you have everything in order, for now, I will reassure him. But I cannot tell him about the pearl, no one needs to know what you really possess and what you had to do to get it."
    She nods doubtfully.

    Once we are done eating and before we part ways, I urge her again to be careful. "I am probably mansplaining myself but a fortunate woman, alone, is prey for everyone."

    It´s not till the tranquil drive back that I have time to realize what actually happened last night. It's hard to imagine that this was real, and for a moment I feel guilty towards Lily again.

    Then I see her walking away when we parted, back straight and chin up, no longer a shadow, and hardly bearing any resemblance to the skittish woman I met under the tree.

    I have to accept what happened, she came to me. This was meant to happen, for the three of us, as I neither am the same man.

    I may miss Kyra more than before, but the pain no longer cuts my core like she did before.

    There is a sense of surrender. I know we are one, and I wonder if we will ever be one again. It won't be in this life, but this bond is one that will return.

    Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

    Click Back Button to Start with Book One

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