Consciously disconnect from screens and enjoy life.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    An unexpected visit give us an unexpected results. This is what happened on my visit to sisters place. I am aligned an appointment with an eye specialist friends of her. I was surprised to find the initial phase of my weakening eyesight. It is the begining phase with minor alteration to my focal power. I never expected this, as I never had any eyesight issue, but my sister insisted to get it checked which took me by surprise. As it in begining phase, so I need to take more care to avoid any major concern. I was more curious to know the causes of my eyesight weakening and doctor said that this is something common nowadays because of over exposure to screen like mobile or computer.

    This made to recollect my screen on time record from my mobile. Which gives a staggering figure.

    (data from my own mobile device)

    Screen on time are the amount of time spent on a device with a screen, such as a smartphone, computer, television, video game console, or tablet etc. No doubt, lately I have been spending good amount of time in looking at mobile screen. This is the only way, I remain active on #Hive. Making contents, curating and commenting requires more gluing on to the mobile. The more we expose to it, the more we are putting our eyesight at risk of damages.

    Over indulgence

    In recent times, Our lifestyle has changed so drastically that, we find it hard to keep ourself away from technology, especially when it comes to mobile or computer. Our over dependence on these devices always put a risk factor for our well being. Either due to work or because of personal reason, we tend to spend good amount of time on social media or other things. We remain hooked to screen for our requirement. This causes a lot of strain to eyes which causes weakening of the eyesight. This is not limited to adults, but you might have noticed the Youngs kidd putting on heavy power glasses on their eye. They spoiled their eye sight either through mobile devices or watching Television. May be parent were to blame for such situation.

    Just In case, you also wanted to check yours screen on time you can check it too through Android device by going to

    Settings > Digital Wellbeing & parental controls > menu icon > Manage your data > click on Daily device usage.

    As per certain reports, an ideal screen on time would be between 2–4 hours per day. This helps us in maintaining a healthy balance of our physical and mental state.

    Safety measure. (20-20 rule)

    The more we keep ourself distant from these screen devices the better it is for us. However the various related demand and the technological innovation made our life insepersble. Rather than controlling, we are exposing more and more. The experts too are aware of the various drawback of screen on time. And this is why they have introduced 20-20 rule. A rule that simple to adapt and make our life easier. Thanks to the doctor that checked my eye, who introduced me to this rule to minimize my eyes to strain.

    What is 20-20 rule?

    The care of the eyes is mostly depends upon it's blinking process. Blinking protects our eyes from, dryness, bright lights, foreign objects, fingers, and other debris. It is to be noted that Newborns only blink about two times a minute, while teens blink around 15 times a minute, and adults blink about the same. Blinking can also increase in response to pain, bright light, changes in temperature and humidity.

    Now when we focus on our work and keep continously staring at the screen, we often miss out blinking our eyes. This mishappening leads to eye issue. If we keep.focussingnon something without eye movement, it causes dryness as well as irritation, this will leads to weakening of eye sight. To avoid, any more harm to our eye we should keep rotating our eyes in interval. The 20-20 rule says , that while we work for 20 minutes you can give a rest to.your eyes for 20 seconds. Either, we distract our eyes from the focusing or wash eyes with cold water or take some eye drops to relax the pressure that apply on our eyes. This way e can prevent our self from bad effects of screen on time.


    Namaste @steemflow

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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