"Exploring Montemassi: A Journey Through History and Beauty"

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hello dear friends,

    I'm very sad about the news regarding this community, and I hope that someone will carry on with this project, because this is a beautiful place where we can share the places we discover around the world. So, I invite everyone to continue sharing their travels and discoveries here. We must find a way to keep this project going. I'm particularly sorry because the map was also very useful for planning future trips.



    Anyway, turning the page, I wanted to share with you some photos I took in a place that I had the chance to visit in the past, but I never tire of seeing whenever I have the opportunity to pass by. I'm talking about Montemassi, a hamlet of the municipality of Roccastrada in the province of Grosseto.
    This beautiful village is located on the slopes of a hill, very close to the border with the Grosseto Maremma. Like many villages in Tuscany, it has very ancient origins. Initially, it was a fiefdom of the Aldobrandeschi family, but then it became part of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, and it was during that period that it had its greatest development.





    As soon as I parked the car, I headed to visit the remains of the Montemassi castle, or rather what remains of this important fortress that dominated the surrounding plain. Definitely a beautiful place to visit for history and art lovers. The visit is practically free; let's say it's a bit abandoned to itself, and this is a very sad thing, but unfortunately, it's common for many monuments in Italy.





    Then, after spending some time exploring this fortress, because time is slowly destroying it, I headed towards the stairs that lead to the surrounding houses and wandered through the streets of this splendid village.
    The day was very beautiful and sunny, and it was a pleasure to take this walk through these completely deserted streets.




    As I always say, probably in a predictable way, seeing objects left outside the houses makes you go back in time a bit when there was trust in leaving things outside without fearing they would be stolen.
    I must admit that compared to other villages, I found this one a bit more in decline; even the houses, as you may have noticed from the photos, are a bit more rundown. However, the beauty of these places is always unique.







    I hope, as usual, that these photos have virtually taken you around with me and that you liked them. See you in the next post, and let's keep this community of sharing stories and travels alive. See you soon, friends!

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