ALICE In AI ArtWorkLand - A Crazy Mans Revelations

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I hear best when I am not listening.

    If the above makes sense to you we are on the same level. If not, I will lift you up to my level...or down.

    I hear voices, I did not always hear them, like everything it got worse when I got older.


    Maybe I am just schizo.

    Today´s post will be schizo for sure, as I will combine the leftover artwork from my personal story with the closing the book for good.

    Listen or Hear?

    Maybe I have learned to listen to the universe guiding me. This post is way too short to go deep into this subject. But I do believe in universal guidance, and that if we do not listen we can hear it.

    The thing is I heard it this weekend, and I knew it before I heard it.


    This is mad, right?

    Mad as a hatter

    When I was younger so much younger than today,
    I never heard any universe talk to me in any way.

    Now these days are gone,
    I am not so self-absorbed.

    Now I find words in my mind,
    Who opened up these doors?


    And really Dear Reader, these are not The Doors of Perception. These are the doors to understanding what the universe has in store for you.

    I was told about these doors a long long time ago and I could not open them. No matter how I tried. Knowing they exist does not entail knowing how to open them.

    They open when you let go.
    They open when you stop listening and start hearing.

    Call me crazy:

    I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad
    The craziest friend that you've ever had
    You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone
    Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong
    Over the bend, entirely bonkers
    You like me best when I'm off my rocker
    Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed
    So what if I'm crazy? The best people are!


    I hear Voices

    I hear them, sometimes loud and clear, sometimes really softly.

    This time before I even knew what they wanted me to hear.

    I wanted to close My First Book, and start with the new one. I planned some posts to do so.

    I wrote:

    Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 1

    Which talks about the process of completing my book after 14 years. I wanted to use illustrations inspired by Through The Looking Glass.

    As I felt like a madman spending so much time on something no one reads.


    I wrote part one and it came out okay, but I had to write a part 2 because I wanted to share a glimpse of what was coming.

    Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 2

    Logically I continued in the same Madman Alice in Crazyland style, and while writing part two I heard what I was not listening for.

    I found A Title In A Titleless place

    I found the title of the new book.

    I found how it all connected, and I understood why I used Alice in Wonderland to illustrate this personal story.
    It was all connected.

    Which in itself was awesome already but I also saw the big picture. Those moments do not happen frequently, but when they do they tend to be real eye-openers.


    A Bit More Lore

    Years ago I made a wishlist and one of the things on that list was to write a bestseller.

    Now throughout my crazy life, I heard and was told many things, and one thing was that I would write that book that would sell.

    I knew that book had to do with my first novel; yes the book that no one read...

    How to make sense of that?
    You work so hard, ending up with a decent story. A story of which you know has a big future ahead....and then.... nothing happens.

    The revelation came when I heard the title and saw Beyond the Looking Glass. That was when I finally saw the bigger picture.

    I understood why I have been writing like a madman these last couple of years.
    Why I spent 14 years creating part one because.
    It was so simple, once you see beyond the looking glass, you know everything happens in reverse.


    All these years of work were needed for me to understand how one, or in my case a madman, writes a best seller.

    And I now understood why it was not book one:
    Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen

    It had to be book two, the sequel that came in the one place I tend to listen best.... the shower.

    Back To The Topic

    I explained the whole process more or less in Part Two after having the epiphany.

    Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 2

    This post is just a simple show of the awesome artwork (A)I created inspired by Alice and my prompts. Which in return were inspired by me hearing but not yet listening.

    But when I finally found what I was looking for I knew Book Two would be:

    Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen


    To be clear Dear Reader, my Second Book will not be an adaptation of Alice.

    It will be about the wonderland I created, or maybe restored in book one, reaching out to the actual writer.

    The writer, A Madman who at first doesn´t want to listen.

    The characters from book one will be reaching out to me, the madman, because they have to...

    Hence instead of me going down the rabbit hole into their world and seeing through the looking glass. They will go beyond the looking glass to find me.

    The best part, as a reader you might call it fantasy, is the deeper layer here. The layer those who listen will recognize as universal guidance because that is what book two is all about.

    I am probably writing beyond comprehension, and if not maybe you should check yourself. If you are still tracking, you´re as mad as me.

    But that will work, I need an honest opinion. If I was to use a picture for the next 150 Chapter, a picture you would see in your Hive Feed two or three times a week would it be:

    Picture 1

    Beyond the looking glass.jpg


    Picture 2

    beyond the look.jpg

    Let me know in the comments what the cover of my next book will be, please.

    Hope you enjoyed the craziness and the lovely AI artwork, I liked it so much I could not, not share it it would be improper and a waste.

    Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

    The Closure A Personal Story With A Soundtrack:
    Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 1
    Personal Story With A Soundtrack - A New Adventure - Part 2

    The Closure - Greatest Hits Fro A Never-Ending Story:
    Greatest Hits From My Book "Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen"

    For those who have the balls to start reading and listening to my masterpiece this:

    Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen - Chapter 1

    [Source Pic](All pics by MYI & AI unless watermarked or mentioned)

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