A Sisterly Apology: A Handmade Pearl Necklace DIY"

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Good day creative members @diyhub community and so excited to share with you all today’s diy.

    For today’s diy I decided to make a necklace for my elder sister, actually it’s being awhile I gifted her something, me and my elder sister had a little misunderstanding and I think apologizing with a gift will be the best option so I decided to give her a surprise by making her a necklace. Before I start to make the necklace, different creative designs was just coming to my head to the extent I was confuse on what designs to make. I heard to think for almost an hour before I could come up with this simple necklace using blue and white pearls beads.

    To start with the procedure these were the materials I used:
    :fishing line
    :blue pearls beads
    :white pearls beads

    firstly, I cut out a lengthy fishing line that will go round in making the necklace.

    secondly,After I cut out the length fishing line I inserted the first part of the hook at the center of the fishing line and tighten up properly.

    Thirdly, I inserted five pieces of blue pearls beads on the both side of the fishing line then I took one white pearl bead and cross the both fishing line inside the white pearl bead. I continue with the process until I got to my desire length after that I took the other part of the fishing line and tightened up with the fishing line then I use scissors to cut out the remaining part of the fishing line. This was how I got the beautiful necklace.

    Thank you so much for stopping by🥰

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