Attitude is what counts

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Image created in Canva with the phrase "The power is in your mind", based on my own photograph.

    Hello, dear hiver!❤️

    I know the phrase "attitude is what counts" is quite trite. I have even noticed that there are people who take it seriously, like me, while others, not so much.

    It's been a long, exaggeratedly long week. I had some problems, I spent five days writing chapter 1 of my research project for university. And it has been rejected.

    I was outraged, I took up a lot of time for it. And before starting, consult the teacher about all the objectives, both general and specific. She told me they were fine, so she dedicated my body and soul to writing. So that after so much, another teacher she appointed would reject him. What is happening?

    In my country there is a socio-economic crisis, which is seriously affecting. However, the government's terrible management has also infected the educational sector. So, students don't have it easy.

    I didn't want to cry. I felt anger. All my time, five days without work, I got little rest, I compromised my health a little in the process.

    Thousands of things were going through my mind. I didn't cry, it wasn't my option at the moment. I just got home, I was upset, I went to take a shower, have dinner, and talk to my mother and my sister. It was not fair!

    I work online as a freelancer. So my salary depends on me 100%,

    But, life is not about being fair or not. Many things will not go the way we want. And what do we do? Accept it? No. I refuse. For me the word "no" is outside my vocabulary.

    In my mind there is always a solution. Mom told me that she will talk to one of my teachers. He happens to be my tutor.

    So the idea came to my head to do some things, have several topics in hand, print out what I had done, and tell him to review it. If it is wrong, then guide me so I can do it better.

    Right now I'm at it, thinking about issues, and getting everything done as best as I can before tomorrow, Monday.

    At first I didn't know what to do, but after the storm there always comes calm. Own photography.

    What happened to anger? I'm not going to lie to you, I still feel a little, I hate injustices and things when they are done wrong. I don't understand how you can have a teacher who doesn't guide students, much less one who gives bad guidance.

    However, I have decided that this is not going to defeat me. I'll do things right. I will work on my project, I will organize myself better so as not to neglect my work, I will also defend myself as best I can.

    Despite this I feel better. The week was going to be fatal. Yesterday I was in bed all day. The stress of my research project, added to not receiving income, but the rejection of the project was a lot for me.

    So yesterday afternoon I had a plate of food, I ate, I didn't want to because my stomach, head, legs hurt, I felt nauseous. But how would I wake up the next day if I didn't eat a single bite? Surely worse than the previous one. I didn't want that. I ate, sat down to watch TV with my family and went to bed early.

    Take care of me.

    Because this also helps us make good decisions, being healthy should also be our priority.

    Today is Sunday, I have worked a little on my project, I feel better than yesterday, mom gave me a plant that I transplanted into the garden... It has been a nice day.

    I have not let myself be dominated by my emotions. I have the option to drop the course and enroll with another teacher, however, I will not do so. It is not an option, I will approve it against all odds, I will do things right.

    Some of my classmates have dropped out.

    It is not for less. The psychology that they have applied to us in this course has been terrible. He always mentions the latent risk of losing the course. Play with our mind. There's just one detail, I'm not the type of person who lets myself be defeated, much less like that. It seems that this course is a fight, like the ones we see on TV. Only in this one we have as a weapon a document called "research project."

    I have noticed that my way of thinking can be my great friend, or my worst enemy.

    In depressive situations my most creative part is deactivated, and I just want to sleep.

    While in situations where I see the positive side, it activates to see possibilities.

    That's happening right now.

    The environment also influences, listening to those people who love you and give you positive advice helps a lot.

    There is so much to do, there is so much to achieve, so much to advance, that despite everything I feel motivated. I want that college degree, I know I will achieve it.

    And that is precisely what is important. The way you see life, as a range of possibilities. The video game where you want to win, and you are looking for the tricks to achieve it.

    I have always had a good attitude, and with this event I confirm it.

    Which reminds me of a person on Twitter who said they didn't like positive comments about finances. Her neighbor told her that she should eliminate thoughts of scarcity, however, for her that was something unnecessary and silly.

    She told him that her neighbor was right, because the mind can help you achieve great things.

    Some call it "power of attraction", I don't know how true that is, what I do know is that I apply it and it works.

    The woman, she did not understand, was still immersed in her point of view. She just ignored it and continued watching content on the web. Are there people who close her mind so much? Yes, there are, it seems impressive to me.

    In my life I have used positive thinking, which has only consisted of seeing opportunities, taking advantage of them, creating good ideas, and executing them, doing things well, and keeping my mind positive that everything will turn out well.

    The results have been that it has worked for me. For a reason, it is not enough to just think, but to execute the ideas that come to your mind.

    There are people to whom wonderful things come without even lifting a finger. But, it also happens if we make it possible.

    So, you decide, have an annoying time with that teacher, have thoughts of scarcity. Or, move forward, turn the page and look for positive solutions to your life.


    Text and images of my authorship. Cover made in Canva.

    Hello, I'm Zul! I am an administrator, and I am dedicated to independent work, I also create online content. I love photography, writing, visiting places, nature, and making some thoughtful posts. In advance, thanks for reading.❤️❤️


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