A Call for Peace and Security in Nigeria

in voilk •  15 days ago

    Sometimes I wish to go back to the good old days of calm, trust, peace, and harmony among the citizens of my country, at least that was how I felt even though I was much younger, the way of life of people then compared to now has experienced drastic change due to so many factors, one of which is the aspect of insecurity. For instance, as a young girl, I remember my mum never had any need or reason to lock our doors when we either went to the market, church, or school as those were the three significant places I followed my mum to, there was no worry about any of our properties getting missing or stolen, and the same can be said for other residences of our neighborhood, but as times went on, we started receiving alarms of missing items, it first started as common theft of properties like clothing on the line outside, with time the need for locks on our doors arose and today it has gotten so worst, that people now spend a huge amount on security beyond locks on our doors, we now go extra miles getting burglary proofs on same door and windows, and getting CCTV cameras is also part of the many options just to feel a bit secured in an insecure country.

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    Sadly, that is the terrible state of insecurity we are currently faced with in my country Nigeria, from the insurgency of the Boko haram terrorists invading the northern part of the country, attacking villages and kidnapping both the young and old and feeling justified for their inhuman action based on their barbaric beliefs, one of which is speaking against western education as the cause of corruption and immorality for the present generation, the reason why they attack schools and kidnap students. From the reason above, it is with no doubt that the cause of the terror group is none other than brainwashed uneducated folks who have access to alms and know no other thing to do than instill fear in the country forcing people to have the same beliefs as them, which isn't ever going to happen.

    Only if the government could take action and give free education with enough security to the young and coming generation called almajiris, protecting them from getting recruited to this terrorist group and stopping this terror act, but far from that, the government would rather up their own security, buying bulletproofs car, and moving with a convoy of security personnel, the security if the country isn't as important to them, if not there would have been a decrease in the insurgency, rather we keep on receiving new updates of more kidnapped victims.

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    The issue of insecurity is not only limited to the northern part of the country, as other regions are also faced with the same, the southern part has the revolution Biafran group seeking the amalgamation of the country and causing unrest to the social and economic activities of the states affected.

    The western part isn't any different, the security meant to protect us is even the one causing havoc, you see them illegally stopping and looting from citizens trying to fend for their daily bread, which has discouraged so many hardworking youths to go the route of crime since following the legit way mostly ends up in more frustrations from the supposed security personnel.

    That being said, Nigeria is a beautiful country, naturally blessed by nature, we've got several natural mineral resources situated in different parts of the country, and also blessed with a good climate, we don't experience natural disasters like we hear some countries do, if only our government and the citizens of the country would work with one mind and kick against corruption and insecurity only then would we truly experience peace and the gift nature has blessed us with, Nigeria wouldn't be a scare but rather a welcome destination for tourist all over the world, let them come and experience the tranquility we can offer hopefully.

    This post is inspired by the #juneinleo monthly topics, don't get stuck on what to write about daily, be inspired!.

    Thank you for reading.❤❤

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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