A very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas || Favorite Holiday Movie

in voilk •  3 months ago


    A very harold and kumar Christmas takes place years after the second film. Harold and Kumar has drifted apart, Harrod is happily married to Maria. Meanwhile, Kumar is still doing the same thing; getting high But on Christmas Eve a mysterious package arrives that brings them back together and now they're gonna have one hell of a Christmas.

    I am a big fan of the harold and kumar movies. I mean the first one is a classic. Second one's pretty racist, but it's still funny and honestly, this one is just as good.


    So having Harold and Kumar drift apart was smart because I mean Harold was always the more mature one. He always played it safe. Meanwhile, Kumar was the one that was getting them in these situations in the first place. So it makes sense. But when they get put back together, it's like the chemistry is still there and it's like they don't like that they're back together, but then they still enjoy the time. They do have it's like, "Yeah, you know, we're not friends anymore but we're still having, you know, we're still having fun. Remember we did this, remember we did that," and it's like they buttheads here and there, and then they also have their bromance moments.

    Kumar, as usual, is the stupid one. He's a stoner. While in Kumar's absence, Harold got himself a new friend. He plays it safe. He's a family man, and there's a pretty funny subplot with Harold's new best friend. The baby accidentally gets high. So that's pretty wild.


    And the movie was filmed in 3d and that was a great addition to it because normally the best 3d movies I've seen has been Harold and Kumar, Step up and Drive angry. Low budget movies and they use their 3d good.
    Neil Patrick Harris is back and again he steals the movie because if you've seen the last movie you'll probably be wondering like, "how did he come back? I was thought he got killed, so how did he come back." But for the Harold and Kumar movies it makes sense and it was hilarious and for his 10 minutes of screen Time it was great.


    I mean they even throw a joke in there about him being gay, which I thought was perfect. So to sum it up, I loved Harold and Kumar Christmas. Harold and Kumar still have that perfect chemistry. The 3d here is great and it adds to the comedy.

    Neil Patrick Harris again steals the movie. He's the best part. So I'm gonna say a very Harold and Kumar Christmas is a dope movie, and if I'm being honest, my favorite holiday movie so far.

    All images from IMDd

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