Monday Magnifique // Reblog lottery

in voilk •  2 months ago

    This monday has, against the odds, been quite good.


    Started out by waking up at 6.30 am and getting my daughter ready for school and then getting back home and start working.

    When the work started, there was about 30 new tasks from the weekend.
    Luckily, those tasks were fairly easy. Then, about 2 hours into the working day, a new task landed on my desk. A priority task that would, under normal circumstances, take about 3 weeks to complete.
    This needs to be done by Thursday.

    Before noon

    Getting in touch with a developer, having him giving the specifications and then providing at least 3 good solutions for the issue at hand.

    They chose, what I believe, is the best solution.
    YES!! 🤩🤩


    After a well deserved lunch, I went back to verify that the solution they chose would be possible to implement.
    Again, this was a success 🙌🏼 🙏🏼


    Getting close to dinner time, I found out I had nothing I wanted to eat... so, like every other almost normal person, I called a friend and asked if we should eat something.
    He said yes.


    The explanation, being a short and somewhat unexplained explanation, may seem not detailed.
    This is correct, and the day in itself probably wouldn't have been very good under the usual circumstances, but(!!)...
    The day yesterday, specifically the evening and dinner time, transferred positive energy for today too.


    Dinner time

    Yesterdays dinner was exceptional. I made dinner for my daughter and her mom (we don't live together) and both thought it was brilliant. All 3 thought so (myself included).

    All of these things directly on the grill (bbq) and you have a perfect dinner!

    Asparagus wrapped in bacon, beef made from minced beef and sausages with cheese.
    Absolutely perfectly cooked, all of it, and you have the perfect combination and great company.

    Reblog lottery

    How does the reblog lottery work??

    • Reblog the post
    • Comment with the word "REBLOGGED" (does not have to be capital letters)
    • Your comment may contain more than just this one word, but this word is required

    Reblog the post before: Thursday, May 16th @ 3pm UTC

    Winner will be 20% beneficiary to the next post (not Actifit, if any are posted) and the chance to win cool $HIVE too.
    For each ten (10) reblog, there will be added 2 HSBI to the winner.

    Last rounds result

    Winner has been selected using this tool

    Once again I am unable to use my reblog checker.. Perhaps I should have my file available on mobile.
    Trusting the comments, the participants for this round are:
    @henruc @hiveborgminer @ladymisa @nabbas0786 @olaf.gui @servelle @stekene

    And the winner:


    Congratulations, please enjoy your 40% profit share on this post and 2 HSBI. Read more about HSBI here

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