Some pictures of Luna being flirtatious... - Unas fotos de Luna siendo coqueta...//ENG/ESP

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello friends, how are you? I hope you had a great time this weekend. Today I bring you some pictures of my hairy daughter modeling her clothes.

    I have told you before that Luna is special, but especially hateful when it comes to taking pictures of herself. When she sees her cell phone, she immediately turns her face away, it's as if she doesn't like taking pictures at all. But since I'm intense, I don't stay calm until I can take a few pictures of her.

    And even though I can tell she is completely avoiding my photo, I managed to take some very nice pictures of her. That day I wanted to do it because we put some little bows, some shoes and a jacket on her. The shoes looked very funny, but it was worth it because she was fashionable all day long.
    I send you greetings and have a nice week.

    Hola amigos, cómo están? Espero la hayan pasado bien este fin de semana. Yo hoy les traigo unas fotos de mi hija peluda siendo modelo de su ropa.

    Ya en alguna oportunidad le he comentado que Luna es especial, pero especialmente odiosa para tomarse fotos. Cuando ve el celular, en seguida voltea la cara, es como si no le gustara para nada tomarse fotos. Pero como yo soy intensa, no me quedo tranquila hasta poder sacarle unas fotos.

    Y aunque se nota que está esquivándole por completo mi foto, logré sacarle unas muy bonitas. Ese día quise hacerla porque le pusimos unos lacitos pequeños, unos zapaticos y una chaqueta. Los zapatos se le veían muy graciosos, pero valió la pena porque estuvo fashion todo ese día.
    Les mando saludos y que tengan bonita semana.

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