How my riding almost made me had an accident

in voilk •  5 months ago


    How my riding almost made me had an accident

    Last Sunday after I got out of church, I decided to go for a bicycle ride since it had been awhile since I did that . I am just really thankful to God that I made it home safe. I barely escaped getting into an accident that could have been really bad. I was so shaken up I could not even think to take a picture of what happened. I'm just so glad I'm okay and thankful to God too

    It was a nice sunny evening after the church service ended. I had not been on my bike for a long time, so a ride sounded like a good way to get some fresh air and having some exercising I dusted off my old bicycle and headed out, feeling carefree without anything bothering me in my mind .

    I was cruising along enjoying the warm breeze and pretty sunset. There was not much traffic out that evening so the roads were quiet. I let my mind wander freely as I pedaled around my neighborhood.

    But suddenly, a car came speeding out of nowhere down the cross street. They must have run the stop sign because they barely slowed down. Before I could react, the car slammed into my bike and sent me flying!It was only God that saved me .

    In an instant, I went from a relaxing ride to getting flung onto the pavement. Fortunately I was not badly injured since the car had been braking. But I banged up my elbow and knee pretty badly when I hit the ground. My bike got completely totaled under the car's wheels.

    The adrenaline rush from nearly being seriously hurt left me badly shaken. My mind went blank from panic and shock. I forgot to even get the driver's insurance details or snap any photos. All I could do was sit stunned on the curb trying to process what happened ,it was not funny at all.

    The driver who hit me was really apologetic and helped get my bike untangled. They offered to drive me home since I was so bewildered. I probably should've gone to a clinic to get checked out, but I just wanted to go home.

    Even hours later I was still jittery recalling the close call. I couldn't believe how a nice bike ride almost ended in disaster. My cuts and bruises healed up fine. But I'll never forget that day and how I nearly got seriously injured or worse.

    It reminded me to always be alert and cautious when out cycling. And to thank God that he kept me safe despite someone else's careless driving. I could've ended up much worse. But by grace I walked away with a working leg and my life intact.

    The day after the accident, I went back to the scene to try to piece together exactly what happened. Skid marks from the car's tires showed they barely slowed before hitting me.

    Seeing the spot made me realize just how close of a call it was. That out of control car could have easily killed or permanently injured me. I said a prayer of thanks that only my bike took the brunt of the impact.

    My family was relieved I wasn't badly hurt, but upset I hadn't gotten the driver's information. I tried describing the car to police, but they said I needed more details for a report. That taught me to always get names and insurance after an accident.

    For weeks after, I felt nervous biking near intersections, worried cars wouldn't see me. But I knew I couldn't let one careless driver stop me from enjoying cycling. Over time, taking it slow helped restore my confidence.

    I used savings to buy a new bike helmet and bright safety vest so drivers would notice me more. Asking the bike shop for safety tips was reassuring too. I didn't want an accident to keep me from the sport I loved.

    Whenever I pass through that fateful intersection now, I say a quick prayer of gratitude. It reminds me how something so normal can turn dangerous in an instant. But also the grace that spared me serious harm.

    I know the memory will stick with me forever. Any close brush with disaster is hard to forget. I'm just thankful I can still ride and share my cautionary tale to help others stay safe. But I definitely hug my loved ones a little tighter after a reminder of how fleeting life is. Each day is a gift

    Thank you for reading my post.

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