False calculations

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Many occasions have proven that our monthly calculation is always false. We do a lot of budget or maybe I should say most of us do, who knows it may even be fewer. How boring it is always to many people when it comes to keeping up with numbers. I can tell you even as an entrepreneur it's sometimes boring to flip through accounting pages. Have you ever considered how much you spend daily, weekly and a final monthly calculation? From food to health to transportation, has it always come out as it was in your budget? Of course not, I can attest to that. I had to sit down and figure out why? First of all, let's just consider the fact that we are humans, we are moved by several factors which I will be throwing some light in the course of this article.

    Impromptu desires

    Have you ever felt like if you don't take snacks after a hood meal you are done for? A friend once told me living a healthy life is beyond eating a nutritious meal but goes further into eating what your body requires at that moment. It happens to everyone or at least most of us, the urge to chew some snacks, of course there is some change in your pocket. Can this be seen as a lack of self control? Hmmm, if I get some positive energy and self satisfaction in taking some extra snacks I feel it goes a very long way.

    I have seen how such moments have steered me many times to meet up with daily targets. Myself will be telling me, Dani you know you just broke the spending rules, break your work rules also to cover the deficit. Hahaha, there is nothing much about life that spending the little or much you have satisfactorily, although it doesn't mean you should be throwing away resources.


    I will be staying here, this is where the spending rules mostly get broken. At least the impromptu desire was a little self triggered, how about the one you never hoped for. Speaking of such, I have made expenses today that I never planned on, it is one of those things when you are trying to save your precious time. I know what you are thinking, I do make budgets and include miscellaneous, of course, nevertheless, there are unexpected spendings that beats miscellaneous. How much do you put for miscellaneous? Should it even be considered? To me it should, nevertheless, when how much you earn doesn't grant that permission, you will have to do without. Most of us struggle to escape a month without being in debt not just because we are bad at calculation, so many things to meet in a short while and a few bucks.

    Coming back to unexpected spending, first we have to consider we are humans. Yes, I hear the message of don't spend your capital on people around you or you will end up broke. These words are easier said than done. Am I saying you should throw your investment capital or profits around on lazy fellas around you? I don't have such cash to spare.

    Nevertheless, most times you will have to help and this goes beyond miscellaneous account. Humans have feelings and as long as this stands true, it is very difficult to keep up with budgets. If one thinks he will only help when he is well to do, it is just you playing yourself a fooled mentality. You will soon join the greed listm Helping out is not having much, trust me, you think your scenario is worse until you are led by your spirit to hear someone else out.

    Although I force myself to draw out monthly budgets, I personally always know this will end up a false calculation. Am I bad at numbers? Trust me, I don't know if there is a day I don't punch a calculator especially when it is in my mobile phone already. Am I saying I always end up in deficits? Of course not, good things always come back in handy; well measured and pressed down. I am a testimony for this. I am mixing finances with faith here? Permit me and also believe everything we do is triggered by something, to others just natural instinct yet to me I consider helping a move of faith. How do I always meet up with budgets although sometimes I do get some deficit is a supernatural intervention. Of course I run a business you will say, you are making a point yet to me this is not all the needed point. I believe business is triggered by a force, trust me, the number game is beyond the physical.

    To conclude, let me add, I never had that much time to craft that world class article, I don't know if I have ever crafted such an article, Lols. Nevertheless, we are living in a world where reality beats foresights. As I will always say, time will tell. Meeting monthly targets especially for the middle class remains a false calculation. Some of us know our monthly earnings alone cannot sustain us when looking at how much we have to cover, we many times meet miracles or become a miracle to someone and when putting this into consideration, our monthly budget paperwork remains incompatible.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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