I have talked and will continue to do so in a section of the blog about animals that are harmful to the garden, but there are also many animals that are beneficial to the garden. These are the predators that help us control pests in the most efficient and clean way possible. Our job will be to attract them and respect them so that they can help us get the best harvests.
The Great Spotted Flycatcher is another of those small birds that helps us so much in the vegetable garden with its tireless consumption of small insects. This wonderful animal is a fantastic pest controller, especially if you have fruit trees.
It is a bird found in many places around the world, but the Mediterranean has one of its best homes. It is not an easy bird to locate due to its discreet song, but it is very visible with its constant movements around fruit trees.
It loves to feed on all kinds of insects in flight and performs a real juggling act to get it. You have to be a little careful in autumn because, although it feeds mainly on insects, it also consumes some berries in autumn. So be careful with your strawberries, blackberries, or raspberries if you are lucky enough to have a Great Spotted Flycatcher in your vegetable garden.
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