in voilk •  3 months ago

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    In the olden days we had different communities in the country and amongst this community is there is unity, loyalty and free communication amongst members then elders with gather and come up with suggestions and ideas that could Foster the growth of the community after this is done amongst the elders of the community they will in turn send messages by means of a public address system called the town crier, this is an old means of transmitting messages to villagers or communities by making a loud sound with a metal and then announcing the message. Subsequently the whole community would gather either at the village square or at the town hall where meeting is usually take place an opinion to be gathered from different individuals before they can take a bold step forward.

    However reverse is the case in our contemporary world people have now subscribed to being selfish and greedy to the extent that the neglect the welfare of the people who trusted them to lead them. Just like we notice among our leaders at the top the president the governor, senators ministers chairman and so on most of what they do now whenever they get you such position they in which themselves and take perfect care of their family and please tell me perfect position over others. What used to be a communal living amongst people is now one that is deserted and monopolistic.

    Although, there are still some small communities who still make collective decisions about how the environmental issues should be handled. For instance, in big place in the cities or urban areas, people who live in expensive estates come together to pay an agreed sum of money quarterly or yearly to enhance the beautification and security of the estate. But in this case, we can see that the people cannot be overriden because they paid for it and the system has to follow through.

    In accordance to the blog topic, when these local leaders try to override their community members decisions and take in to bribery or anarchy, a lot of vices comes into place like distrust, frustration, difficulties, it can even bring about disunity amongst the people. Recently I experienced a situation in my community where the leaders just thought they could fix date on special occasions because of their selfish reasons last two weeks letters were distributed to several communities because in this community, they have people from the South the east the West and these people have formed a subgroup where they always meet at a particular time of the week. So the lead community you wanted to have an event to celebrate the entirety culture and times of owan west.

    It was not a problem but what made it a problem was the fact that they had to fix this date on Easter Sunday, discussed an uproar, people were angry with the fact that few persons sat down to make this decision without the majority agreeing to it. The fact that it was placed on a day when people would be celebrating with their families traveling to their communities all for the Easter periods made it awkward. To cut the long story short, the event was so scanty on that day as many people could not make it.

    Generally speaking, my point exactly is the fact that the world in which we live in is what I can describe in Nigeria terms as "OYO; ON YOUR OWN", which simply means that, whatever you do in this life is all on you because no one is there to help you except they are extremely close to you. The government parastals are not ready to supply jobs to the unemployed, so in turn people are made to survive by being creative and sustainable. Even though we trust their judgment and manifestos during their electoral campaign whenever they get into office they side line these promises and do whatever they like. Corruption and greed has taken the utmost part of people's mind especially leaders and even amongst individuals ourselves, these days we see that it's really not about those are the top but it is about man's inhumanity to man.

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