A little while ago I was reading a friend of mine who has a consultancy and she was talking about intellectual property and Santa as a brand. That it's free and all that but that many, being the old bearded man's picture, free to use, have appropriated it and created new brands that are subject to copyright. Her message ended with something like this:
... so if you don't want Santa to bring you charcoal this year, remember to respect the intellectual property of everyone.
And I thought that today, here, even charcoal is very necessary. Of course, we will not infringe any copyright by obtaining it. This goes without saying, but even a sack of coal from Santa will be welcome.
I was replying to a comment to meesterboom and suddenly decided to make this post. No, it's not a terrible threat that mashed potatoes. Imagine if you made the potatoes over charcoal and then put butter and milk on them to mash them. That's delicious. Well... I know everyone doesn't have to like what I like, but the important thing is to be well and happy with what pleases and satisfies you.
The best thing about a gift is not the gift itself, although of course it brings content, especially if it is something that you like very much, that just by looking at it your eyes light up with many little sparks of love and even daydreams. But if you look closely at the person who gives it to you, oh, that's the best part of the moment. It also happens that sometimes you get gifts from a distance and you can't do that... but somehow you imagine it, I know, of course I've imagined it. And then you close your eyes and sigh so you don't miss it. We all do it so, maybe it's such a brief moment, that sometimes we're not even aware of it. What is most noticeable is the smile.
I have received some gifts this Christmas with great joy. These are two that I can show evidence of. 😃
These photos were also a gift from my sister and her husband. As tired as they were after work they went for a walk to show me their visions of Christmas in their neighbourhood. And they made me dream.
The company
I have decided to spend Christmas and even New Year's Eve alone. However, I know I won't be, because I'm always with myself. And I also know that my neighbours, and some friends will look for me because they like to laugh and chat. I also have my pets in my care and they don't leave my side... well, Yin is in love and I know that when this happens I have to clean and heal his wounds. Just yesterday he came in with a scratch in his eye and it doesn't seem to stop him because I don't see him around anymore. May the Universe protect him. He and I have many things in common.
And speaking of pets, this post made me feel so good today.... The video that goes with it is happiness in its purest state.
I am the woman who loved the cloud at the first meeting
it was a cloud that stood between the deep emptiness and a doubt
and when it slowly swayed,
sometimes translucent,
what was underneath was the heaven...
The verses and my life
One of my favourite writers is Dulce María Loynaz. And there is a short poem of hers that I think of at certain times in my life. I'm not going to translate it, it would be sacrilege. Sometimes I even feel it is when I do it with my own, as English is not my mother tongue. ‘Quiéreme entera’ is its title. For me it is a great teaching, which I must not lose sight of and its echo reaches me very strongly at the end of this year. Love is not negotiable, it is felt and given. And when you don't receive it, or someone puts conditions to give it, it is not genuine love. You have to accept it and go on, no matter how much it hurts. And yes, there are days and days... but what is clear to me is that I can't put conditions on loving myself. I accept my lights, my shadows and also my emotionality. I am not going to reshape myself or be someone else to please others.
All the lights of these holidays are on for you, for your creativity. Yes, look, for you who are reading this now, for all that you have done and progressed this year, for your desires, for your projects, for your goals... there will be things behind the stained glass windows that maybe you can't afford, simple things, even, but they are there to remind us that there is something deeper in what we see, something intangible, like for example the will to prosper, and also the certainty that you are still standing, putting your heart and soul into life. These are just material things. The important thing is the light that allows you to see and enjoy the moments. And that's what you have inside you.
For my part, I feel that this year I faced some fears and with a lot of success. That's good because it gives me a lot of confidence to move forward. I would like to make a big change in my life and I know that at some point I will make it. I know I have to enjoy the journey and that means acceptance and stop worrying about everything I used to worry about. We are vulnerable beings and although I know that we have to prepare for contingencies, I also have evidence that with positivity we always have what we really need at the moment we need it.
I keep working on my patience because I'm not sure who said or wrote it, but the best fire is not the one that is lit quickly.
And so we come to the end. I leave here a big hug and my best wishes for you who have accompanied me until the end of this blog.
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