My Actifit Report Card: March 12 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    i have been on full experiment mode with my cooking recently. and the featured ingredient is curry rue: japanese style curry rue that is. i'm not sure if i have shared it before but i have cooked a ground meat and vegetable combo previously with curry rue as the main condiment. it tasted great! and i am convinced that it would taste great in other ingredient combination as well. the last time, i have added too much rue though so this time i am fixing that. so here i am now with the next experiment.

    tofu, konyaku (konjac), vegetable mix of string beans, bean sprouts and cabbage were the ingredients this time. yes yes yes, i am just adding random stuff. there is really no logic in adding in those ingredients together but i just felt like buying them at the grocery store and felt like they would be good together. and of course, the curry rue again as the main condiment. not bad not bad! it turned out to be a soupy dish. this time though, i should have added a little more rue to thicken that soup. oh well, i could still reheat that and add in the extra rue in the process. i am also new to cooking konyaku, i used the ball type this time and that was a bad choice. apparently, konyaku do not absorb that much flavor; thus, having a ball is a mouthful of unflavored stuff needed to be chewed. i would have the noodle type next time or some other thinly sliced pieces.

    this is what i love about cooking, it is forgiving. a friend actually shared that to me a long time ago; cooking is forgiving. you barely could do wrong in cooking, you can always add condiments when the taste seems off. so it is important to taste your food as you cook them. this mantra is basically why i choose to be experimental with my food. who knows, i might stumble upon something extraordinary. i am still not over with curry rue though, i will try to add that as main sauce in spaghetti, and even add it in a monggo (mung bean) soup. my housemates have been trying to sway me away from the idea but nah. let me try to solve this cooking conundrum when i get those ingredients in the pan.

    that night, we finally headed to the gym. i have rested for two days now after the great snowboard experience. arms and shoulders were the target muscles this time. as usual, it was exhausting! it has always been exhausting every after returning from a long break. anyways, here is the program.

    pull-ups (12 x 10)
    barbell biceps curl (24.7kg x 3 x 12)
    barbell overhead press (24.7kg x 3 x 12)
    dumbbell shoulder press (40kg x 3 x 12)
    seated biceps curls (25kg x 3 x 12)
    hammer curls (20kg x 3 x 12)
    dumbbell front raises (16kg x 3 x 12)
    dumbbell side lateral raise (16kg x 3 x 30) (front, mid, and back)

    nothing new this time but i am just glad that i did not compromise with the weights nor repetition counts per set. sometimes, i do after coming from a very long break. hopefully i can add in a little more weight next time, i just do not want to remain stagnant in this fitness journey.

    as always, stay safe!

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    all content is by yours truly unless otherwise specified

    all photos are taken with a galaxy s23 ultra

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Gym, Weight Lifting
    168.0 cm
    72.8 kg
    Body Fat
    21.4 %

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