The beautiful of Gymnopilus aeruginosus mushroom

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Today I want to share with all of you an interesting experience that I encountered outdoors, precisely while exploring an area that doesn't seem to be paid much attention to by many people, there I found a species of mushroom that was quite unique and that I had rarely seen before, this is the beautiful mushroom "Gymnopilus aeruginosus" that I found growing on machine wood powder that had long been degraded, the result of organic material that had started to rot and began to break down into simpler components, the existence of this mushroom of course made me even more amazed with natural processes going on around me.

    Gymnopilus aeruginosus is a species of fungus that belongs to the Hymenogastraceae family. The characteristic of this fungus is that the color of the mushroom cap is reddish brown. This fungus grows by absorbing nutrients from rotting organic matter, like most other fungi in general which function as decomposers and the same goes for the Gymnopilus aeruginosus fungus species that I found this time, this fungus also plays an important role as natural decomposition to recycle the organic material in which they grow and return important elements to the soil for future life.

    actually I didn't find this fungus on purpose, when I was walking around in a place that seemed quiet then I started to notice a slightly different texture of the soil, there was a pile of machine wood powder that had started to rot, well in the pile I saw there was a group These small mushrooms grow simultaneously, this mushroom looks very prominent because the color is more contrasting compared to the surrounding environment, after observing it more closely I realized that this is Gymnopilus aeruginosus which can be said to be a rare mushroom where I live.

    and below I have captured several sides of the mushroom to show you all

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