Fiery plays Mass Effect 2 part 22: Trial for Treason?

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    In this game our main mission is to stop the Collectors( aliens who are kidnapping entire human colonies.) Collectors are working for a sentient race of machines the Reapers( Reapers destroy all advanced civilizations every fifty thousand years.) In the beginning of this game Collectors attacked and destroyed our ship Normandy. Our main character Shepard died in the process of the attack. Secret pro human organisation Cerberus and their leader Illusive Man somehow brought us back to life and build as a second Normandy. Now we are gathering the team of most badass scientists, soldiers and mercenaries to save galaxy and humanity from Collectors and the Reapers.

    In the last part we got Samara to join our team.

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    In this part we traveled to Migrant Fleet where Tali was supposed to face the trial that charged her with treason. Quarians believed that Tali betrayed them and got careless by sending her father active geth(synthetic life form) and endagered the Fleet. We also learned that Tali father experimented on geth in a ship called Alarei. Something went wrong and geth captured the ship, probably killing everyone who was on the ship(including Tali's father.) We offered to prove Tali's innocence by retaiking Alarei. The admirals figured that this is a good deal- If we will suceed they will get the ship back and if we fail they will only lose one more quarian.

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    When we arrived to Alarei we fought with an army of geth. We also found Tali's father's body. On him we found proof that Tali's father experimented on the geth and put the Fleet in danger. He believed that this is worth the risk because it could help quarians retake their homeworld that is currently under geth control. Now we had the evidence that Tali was not guilty but she begged us to not reveal this information to the admirals because it would destroy her father's good name and his memory. So we retaken Alarei and returned to the Fleet. We returned just in time because the admirals believed that we died and wanted to sentence Tali after her death. The admirals were surprised to see that we succeeded and wanted to know what we found on the Alarei ship. We had the option to reveal that Tali's father put the Fleet in danger. But we choose to listen to Tali and not reveal the truth. Since we could not use the evidence we resorted next best thing- shouting and calling the entire audience cowards. This worked like a charm- admirals admitted that Tali was innocent and we kept the truth hidden. After winning the trial we returned to the Normandy. There Samara asked for our help. She wants to track down and kill her daughter who sucks the life force out of her victims and then kills them. Samara's daughter Morinth is the ardat-yakshi(she was born with genetic defect that means that she kills her sex partners.) So Morinth is really dangerous individual who we must stop. But that is the tale for another time.

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