Forgotten Moments

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Cycling was one of the things that attracted my attention the most when I was a child and I wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle more then anything. As a child, one of the biggest dream is to get your own bicycle and when the moment you get your own bicycle, it feels like you got everything you ever wanted and when you sit on it and pedal a bit. That moment, with every pedal the elation a child experience is something baffling. I learned how to ride a bicycle when I was 6 years old, before that I always rode a tricycle and I used to ride it every evening on the streets near my house, to learn how to ride the cycle was easy for me as I have 3 older siblings and they all knew how to ride a bicycle. I started to go to school on my cycle when I was in class 4th and it was a kind of a flex at that time to come to school on a cycle.

    Just like the world evolves, means of transportation also update. So, by the time you get older you don't want to ride that cycle anymore, your interest related to cycle changes a lot. You change your vehicle and that cycle just remains in a single place without even someone noticing it. Right now, I rarely ride my cycle and I use my bike to go to anywhere.

    So, I thought that I should get back on my cycle to experience it all again, to get the feeling, the joy, I used to get when I rode that cycle as a kid. Then, I decided to go on a long ride on it but it needed to be repaired as it was not used by anyone for a long time. The bicycle had a flat tire and the chain also needed some oil to work smoothly.

    After doing the preparations, I came to a decision that we will go out to and find a good spot on my cycle with my friends, we decided to meet at one spot and start our journey from there. Everyone was on time hence we started to pedal our way to the destination.

    On our way, we could hear the birds chirping, the sound of wind with every pedal as it was breezy, in my opinion this would be enough to clear someone's mind and to forget about everything else and enjoy the life go by touching and soothing your skin.

    After reaching our destination the view of the the world below us was calming and the fresh air on the top was refreshing and it was worth the effort and the silence was very peaceful and it was something that we will always remember.

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