A Piece Of Advice From This Side

in voilk •  5 months ago

    A Piece Of Advice From This Side

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    It is commonly said that "Experience is the best teacher," in life, we can not know it all, life is too broad that no one can exhaust it. But in every area, there are individuals who have gone ahead, people who have been there before. Their experience in those fields has given them some level of knowledge that makes them superior.

    It is suicidal, to ever embark on any journey in life without looking for experts in the field to learn from, you will fail even where you are not supposed to fail. you may have the theoretical knowledge, but I bet you the practical aspect might be far from what you know. The place of mentorship is something we must never take for granted in whatever we are after in life.

    A lot of people fail in life not because they are not capable, most of them are more capable than you can ever imagine but they miss out because they are standing all alone, in a new world.

    Every environment has its own uniqueness, you can't just come from nowhere and expect to conquer just like that. If it happens, I bet you were just lucky but on a normal day, things don't happen like that.

    Your intellect, knowledge, and prowess are beautiful but without anyone to help you prune it and direct you on how to go about your dreams, you will only get little results.

    My advice to anyone out there in the pursuit of life is to get mentors in whatever you are after in life, don't run the race all by yourself, you won't go far.

    Nothing is ever difficult or unachievable in life, if you see people running away or giving up on their pursuits, it's either, they don't have mentors at all or they have bad ones.

    Photo by nappy

    There is no field on earth that doesn't have experts, they are there to make the journey easy for us, they have already experienced these things, and they know what works and what doesn't. They paid the price to learn so that we can excel, look for these people, and also look for materials from what we are pursuing and learn from them. It will save you from stagnation.

    Whatever the cost, even if they want to charge you, if you can afford it, pay, and be willing to learn, this will not only hasten your growth but will always keep you motivated.

    For instance, a platform like Hive is not a place where anyone can easily navigate. There are Dos and Don'ts across different communities. In fact getting to know about communities on the chain is another work on its own because Hive is a large world.

    Imagine, the kind of mistakes, trial and error you would make before getting to know some things if you don't have a mentor, in fact, you might even plagiarize and end up being under the custody of Hive Watchers but someone with a mentor doesn't need to go through that stress, you teacher will tell you "don't do this, do that, join here, don't join here."

    If it were supposed to take you two days to explore Hive to know all those things, your mentor just made it easier by educating you about them in a few minutes. That is the advantage. A mentor will help you to work smart and not just hard because sometimes, hard work alone doesn't give results.

    Having mentors would expose you to so many things that will change your life for good. Don't be a sheep without a shepherd in whatever you are pursuing in life, you are robbing yourself of the chance to succeed.

    There are people in that field, look for them, beg them, pay them if you have to, and learn. Don't be an island of knowledge, you will be limited. In your offices there are people who have been there for a long, you can humble yourself and learn from them even if it's the security officer. Ask questions and ask for directions and you will be amazed at how sweet your journey will be.

    My friend, who is a Foreign Exchange Trader, told me about his experience when he started trading. He said "When I started, I only knew the basics. Being too eager, I created a live account without any mentor and started trading. I blew my account several times to the extent that I almost emptied my mom's shop," LOL.

    He often tells his students that they are lucky to have him, and it's evident because they barely lose any trade that they place with his consent. Imagine them learning what it took him five years and blowing off several accounts to learn in just a week without even experiencing the loss he experienced.

    The summary of everything is, that having mentors will help you grow fast and save you from unnecessary failure. I know it is inevitable to fail but there are some things that you will not fail if you have someone experienced guiding you.

    Thank You For Reading

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