Contenting On Hive: Niche VS Value

in voilk •  4 days ago

    When I first joined the chain, there were some people who believed that the only content that added value to the hive was writing SEO-related content. They believed they were the best content creators on the Chain, which is why they were rewarded the most.

    However, they were not entirely correct. For starters, I did not particularly enjoy reading their content; they created content for the Hive algorithm and made some powerful orca and whale connections, but their content did not really appeal to the general audience.

    That is, if you were a new user, you were more likely to follow them because of their connections rather than because they created content that you liked. That is fine; many people click "follow" because they want to expand their network and gain more support for their content; we have all done it at some point.

    In reality, techie content and discussions about technical aspects of technology have not been my strong suit. When I first started on Hive, I read posts from people who mostly created content about the chain, not because I enjoyed it, but because I wanted to learn.

    As a result, the need to learn can sometimes take precedence over the desire to consume for enjoyment. Learning is not always enjoyable or easy, so those who educated people about the chain received a lot of attention and support for their content, which was deemed valuable by the general public.

    Fast forward to today, and I have learned how to create crypto content simply because I learned how. I was fascinated by the way the market worked. Learning about cryptocurrency is not easy, but if you want to earn money with it, you must first understand the dynamics.

    Now, I am still a complete rookie when it comes to understanding the market, but over the years I have learned how to study history, read a lot from popular crypto creators, and formed my own mind.

    Because I want to make a decent living for myself, I have been forced to learn about cryptocurrency, and I now find it fascinating to teach others what I have learned.

    Crypto is enjoyable; learning how it works is even better. Many people claim that Hive is too difficult to understand, but I believe that people learn when they want to learn, and Hive may not be for everyone, including Tom, Dick, and Harry.

    Now let us get back to creating.

    It is incorrect to say that people who create content about their daily lives add no value. This is why Hive has expanded into communities. There are people I follow who have no idea about tech. They create random content about their lives, which I enjoy reading.

    Most of them, I make it a daily habit to search for their content because I admire their uniqueness, ability to make themselves the focal point of their content, and how they present it, and I believe this is true for almost everyone out there.

    Now, my favorite creators are those who can create almost anything. You already know that when you click, you are in for a treat.

    However, because of the way Hive's curation system works, it is difficult to give your favorite creators the recognition they deserve, unless you are a decent-sized orca or whale, and there is no ninja-mined account to blame.

    To cut your teeth and establish yourself on Hive, you must be more than just a niche creator, which is why the value of a piece of content does not define the other values. It is not black and white. It is complicated, and unless you take them to learn the dynamics, it could simply be difficult.

    For example, creating but then dumping 100% of that reward on the market will make it difficult for you to expand. You could be the best creator, but it would not work because real people are involved in curation, and the majority of curators want you to be vested in the same way that they are. This is because Hive remains relatively small and not as large.

    When there are large investors, it may be difficult to focus on these issues. However, Hive's small size is not entirely negative; with the right decision and time, Hive will grow significantly. Some of the reasons why people are frightened by how the DHF bleeds money without bringing in value is because they're only so much negative expensive Hive can take without experiencing consequences.

    So, people who call themselves "value bringers" have mastered Hive in all aspects, which is why they will continue to thrive. They understand the politics, the game, how to grow, how to channel their content and how to bring more eyes to their accounts.

    However, don't be discouraged, your content is not the problem, most people enjoy mundane content, you just need to learn and understand the dynamics of Hive..

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