Managing Expectations: The Key to Emotional Resilience

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Emotions are what portray the true image of a human and every single one of us has a unique set of emotions that we carry while having a lot of things within our head there are different things that we often make sure are going to be deciding all of the set of emotions in a very particular manner but one of the things which can drastically impact our feelings is going to be the Expectations that we have from someone else because it is one of those things which we cannot control on our own and it often decides the way we are going to feel for a long period because we don't have the control on making those actions on behalf of those other people for us and their food we need to depend on those people to do exact things which we want them to do and once that does not happen is when the trouble occurs.


    Several people get disappointed due to the expectations they had from other people on a widespread basis and that is pretty natural for us humans as well because we are fun to get those Expectations out of no wear and that is pretty natural to happen as well but at the same time we need to understand that things might not happen the way with think they should happen because everyone has the mind of their own and they might not think the same way we think of them is well and that difference is what creates a lot of issues as well because that expectation might not match because of this single aspect and that is what we need to realize as soon as we can because that can definitely be very crucial to be understanding a lot of people and also be prepared as well.

    We are surrounded by a lot of different people who happen to have different amounts of value in our lives as the people whom we meet on a very frequent basis can have a different impact from those people whom we might not meet for even months as well as if you compare or family to someone else and it also going to have a different amount of impact and according to that, we have a different amount of Expectations and different things that we expect from people which is why this classification of Expectations is also there and the amount of disappointment that we are going to receive once things do not go as per plan with each one of them is going to be other and the significant amount of impact is also going to vastly differ.


    I would like to say that yes I have been disappointed quite a lot of times and even now I get disappointed every now in then by a lot of people who matter to me but at the same time, I would like to say that the biggest disappointment that I feel from the Expectations not getting match is not from another human because it is from me myself and I feel disappointed from my self because of the things that I promise myself to do and I do not end up doing as well as also wasting my potential at a lot of times.

    I feel very disappointed in myself because there are a lot of things that I wanted to do as well as I also have the capability of doing and a lot of things that I had planned but none of them got implemented or got in reality to be happening which is something which makes me feel disgusted about myself and having those expectations from my self the very next day as well that I am going to do this thing from now for sure is again Chartered the very next moment when I need do not do it and that is a cycle which I am stuck in and I feel very disappointed about that.

    There have been a lot of attempts from my side to absolutely change this but that never actually got very fruitful for long as I relapse after a couple of times and that is something which I have been stuck in a cycle for a very long period which is something that is a very bad place to be in for sure and I can tell that from my own experience because months you are stuck in this loop of doing something and wanting to do something and not ending off doing it on your own as you have the entire control for yourself and still not doing it it is a really bad place to be in.


    The worst part about all of this is that I still hope myself teething and the things I want to do and I also know that I am doing something that is not going to work out and still not giving in the real efforts that I need to be done and all of this realizations feel even more disappointed on myself.

    However, I still feel quite a lot motivated in this particular aspect in getting myself involved in something feel proud about in a couple of months and that is something that keeps me going and often gets back on track this time I definitely won't myself to be involved in it and not lose the amount of motivation which is going to meet driving me to newer Heights and that is something which I want to remove those amount of disappointment from my self and my life as well and want to focus on the things that I wanted to do and get them achieved as well because somewhere in my heart that these things are not that hard the only thing which is pulling in back are my efforts which are needed to be done in a very specific man of from now on which is something that I am going to do as well.

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