Genus Euphorbia

in voilk •  27 days ago
    Latin NameObservation dateLocation
    Genus Euphorbia 01 Mar 2025Central Aceh ,Bireuen, Indonesia

    Hello friends, all who are always present in this beloved community, back with me as usual. I hope everyone is always healthy and always successful and can also do activities as usual,

    on this very happy occasion I want to share some photography images in this community, the photo that I will post this time is about a three-branched wildflower, the wildflower is divided into three, whoever doesn't know what flower it is, here we can all see that the flower is very beautiful and with very attractive colors,

    So let's see some of the pictures that I have taken below, I hope you are all entertained and like it.

    Camera usedHandphone
    Iso speedISO
    Focal lengthMM
    PhotographyGenus Euphorbia

    Link to originalcommunity

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