Pink Light Healer

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello Holozing Community!!

    Hello from the other side of the screen. Today I want to show you what's new that I've created for the @holozing contest here .

    A different idea from the ones I've already done, not that I miss the hair but I have also adapted to this the hair that I have created for some of the others.


    On previous occasions the ideas were more fanciful so this time I wanted to do something that has to do with technology, which is also one of the themes of the game ☺️. I also made some changes in terms of color and design in the girl's clothes, I love black but when it is combined with a color, be it blue, yellow, green, pink anddddd countless colors it looks great, this would be a little more Cyberpunk idea but not so much 😳👌🏻 since I couldn't get as much technological details.

    Once again I have selected this healer, a few days ago someone told me that this healer had become famous 🤣, idk if that's the case but I have made this pretty girl several times already 😊😆😃.



    The first thing I did was to be satisfied with the body. Why? 'cause the body and the skin are the main structure of what I was going to do, so after working enough on that, I set out to work on the rest. With the first part ready, I started working on what would be the clothing, well, I only did flat colors.


    When I was doing the clothing, I tried several attempts until I was satisfied with the design I was making, but since I had done it only in flat color, it worked for me because later I didn't have to do anything else, just work with the layer lock and place the rest because I worked from there onwards. I also worked a bit on the hair and the face.





    Working with the layer lock, I only detailed what the clothing would be in the shape that I had already made, so it worked for me to make the shapes since I didn't modify anything else or move anything else, I just kept working and detailing a little more the things. I already had the hair practically ready, the face too, besides having detailed a little more, placing some lights and a symbol of this healer.


    In one of the last steps, there were some small details missing that I was doing, like the clothing, because I didn't have to work much more on the skin anymore, but mostly on the costume, which was what I focused on all this time.






    To fine-tune, only a few specific things were left to finish, some highlights, some lights, some shadows, and some other details, nothing more to have this idea ready.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to view my work.


    𝕺𝖍𝖍𝖍 BTW


    𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖊𝖎𝖋 𝖚 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙


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