Battle Mage Secrets Splinterlands: Little League Ruleset | An Exciting Analysis

in voilk •  last month

    Hai, Splinterlands lovers. Today, I want to share my thrilling experience in a battle with challenging rules: Little League, Equal Opportunity, and What Doesn't Kill You. With a 39 mana cap and the choice of Water, Death, and Dragon elements, this battle was a true test of strategy. Here’s why I am confident that my team, led by Quix the Devious as the summoner, was the right choice for victory.

    My Team: Quix the Devious

    I chose Quix the Devious as my level 3 summoner. His ability to reduce the opponent’s ranged attack and speed by 1 point each provided a significant advantage. My team consisted of:

    1. Dragon Spirit (Level 1): With the Flying ability, it’s hard to hit.
    2. Moxian Rebel (Level 1): Has the Weapon Training ability, providing flexibility in attacks.
    3. Riftwing (Level 5): With Flying, Scavenger, and Backfire abilities, it’s highly agile and resilient.
    4. Venari Marksrat (Level 5): Martyr and Snare abilities make it highly strategic.
    5. Xenith Monk (Level 3): With Heal ability, it can heal itself.
    6. Venari Bonesmith (Level 5): Has Life Leech and Poison abilities, effective for both defense and offense.

    The Opponent’s Team: Kelya Frendul

    My opponent chose Kelya Frendul as the summoner, providing 1 point of armor and speed to all monsters. Their team consisted of:

    1. Kelp Initiate (Level 2): Very resilient despite lacking specific abilities.
    2. Tide Biter (Level 3): With Reach and Reflection Shield, it attacks from the second position.
    3. Pelacor Bandit (Level 6): Sneak and Flying abilities make it a strong backline attacker.
    4. Angelic Mandarin (Level 5): With Triage, it heals backline monsters.
    5. Merdhampir (Level 6): Has Life Leech and Cripple abilities, making it very tough to beat.
    6. Kulu Swimhunter (Level 6): A reliable strong attacker.

    To see the full battle details, you can visit:


    Battle Analysis

    Role of Each Monster:
    Quix the Devious immediately made an impact by reducing the opponent's speed and ranged attack. This was crucial in diminishing threats from enemy monsters. Dragon Spirit and Riftwing used their Flying ability to dodge attacks, while Venari Marksrat was ready to sacrifice itself with Martyr, boosting its allies’ stats upon death.

    Key Moments in the Battle:
    Xenith Monk held the front line well, while Venari Bonesmith started to drain the enemies’ life with Life Leech. The opponent’s Pelacor Bandit targeted my backline, forcing Venari Bonesmith out. However, Riftwing managed to evade attacks, gaining health continuously due to its Scavenger ability, growing stronger as the battle progressed.

    Critical Moments:
    The Equal Opportunity rule caused chaos in targeting, but my team’s strategy and abilities allowed them to adapt well. The What Doesn’t Kill You rule enraged many monsters, boosting their stats. Riftwing and Xenith Monk benefited greatly from this, becoming harder to hit and delivering stronger attacks.

    The Triage ability of Angelic Mandarin kept the opponent’s monsters alive temporarily, but the pressure from Venari Bonesmith with Poison and Life Leech eventually overcame the opponent’s healing. The enemy’s Kulu Swimhunter and Merdhampir were indeed tough, but the resilience and sustained attacks from my team, particularly the enraged Riftwing, turned the tide.

    To see the full battle details, you can visit:



    I won the battle thanks to a strategic selection of monsters and effective utilization of their abilities. The reduction in ranged attack and speed by Quix the Devious significantly hindered the opponent’s initial advantage, while my team’s healing and rage abilities allowed them to endure longer.

    My Opinion

    The reduction in ranged attack and speed by Quix the Devious greatly diminished the effectiveness of Kulu Swimhunter and Pelacor Bandit. The healing ability of Xenith Monk and the resilience of Riftwing were crucial in keeping my team alive during the mid-battle. Xenith Monk became the key to victory with its ability to heal. This battle demonstrates the importance of choosing the right combination of monsters and summoners based on battle rules.

    So, if you want to win in Splinterlands, consider my strategy. Combine defensive and offensive capabilities, and ensure you leverage the battle rules to your maximum advantage. Splinterlands offers strategic depth that makes every battle an exhilarating experience!

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