February 2024’s HSBI Rewards for the FreeCompliments Community Have Been Sent Out!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    February has closed itself upon us, welcoming the new month of March. We are continuing our program of rewarding our members and participants as outlined here. March 5th was the day that these and other monthly rewards have been sent out. Rewards for posts have already been sent out throughout the duration of the month.

    We’ve now better optimized our count of comments, threads, and posts, thanks to the diligent work of @crazyphantombr. We’re organizing our data in a clearer way so that everyone can transparently see how we rewarded our wonderful community members and participants.

    We managed to get a little bit of info on referrals to the community this time – if you referred anyone to this community, or were referred by someone, please let me know asap!

    The Rewards Sent Out on March 5th

    Static Monthly HSBI Rewards

    Curation Trail (1 for every month on the curation trail):

    Mental Health Ambassadors (5 for each day of the week covering the role):
    @bitcoinman (5)
    @caleb-marvel (10)
    @ckole (5)
    @pepetoken (10)
    @thebighigg (5)

    Community Curation + Rewards Management (13 HSBI for post curation, 10 HSBI for DHEDGE curation, 12 HSBI + 5 DVS apiece + beneficiary rewards for creating posts for fc-curation and fc-rewards, 18 HSBI for sending out rewards, per month)
    @legendwushu (total 65 HSBI + 10 DVS + beneficiary rewards)

    Comment curation (10 HSBI per month)

    Promotional Compliment Writer (10 HSBI per month)

    Community Data for Posts + Comments + Threads (5 HSBI + 5 DVS apiece, per month)
    @crazyphantombr (total 15 HSBI + 15 DVS)

    Nominators (10 HSBI per month, each)

    Threads Curator
    @stekene - 10 HSBI + 50 Leo Power

    Total = 211 + 25 DVS + 50 LP

    Rewards for Comments – 1 HSBI per 10 comments, generously rounded up to the nearest 10

    Total = 106 HSBI

    Rewards for Threads – 1 HSBI per 10 comments, generously rounded up to the nearest 10

    Total = 70 HSBI

    Referrals to the community based on members who joined

    @crazyphantombr with 3 referrals = 6 HSBI
    @thisismylife with 1 referral = 2 HSBI

    I know we can do better than this, people. Keep track of those referrals and let me know at the end of the month so you can get some juicy HSBI rewards!

    Total = 8 HSBI

    Last, but not least, all members who joined as of February 1st were each awarded 1 HSBI

    Total = 520 HSBI


    Screenshots of HSBI Rewards

    Of note, we used a new community account to distribute the rewards this time. This was @fc-nominations. Next month, we’ll use another community account in the same manner. All rewards end up pooled within the community; this is just a way to extend the community’s overall post reach.

    We’ve slightly narrowed down our inaugural member list (those who left the community and do not qualify for HSBI based on the founder’s guidelines), but we’re still a little bit over 500 members including individuals with more than 1 account. We’re splitting these membership rewards into 6 to accommodate all of our inaugural members!

    Our total HSBI given out has noticeably decreased, with a large part of that being attributable to comments within the community (threads fared slightly better). I’m hoping that we didn’t stall – but I’ll keep coming up with further ways to encourage engagement!

    Check if You’ve Been Rewarded Correctly!

    We’re all human here, and mistakes can happen. That’s why it’s best to double-check that you’ve been rewarded as promised.

    The best way to check whether you received the rewards that you were due is to check up HSBI’s website and input your username. You’ll go here, enter your username, then click on transaction history, and finally on sponsored HSBI. Look for fc-nominations under “sponsor.”

    If I missed out sending you on any rewards, please let me know promptly so that I can correct it. It takes up to a day to process what I sent out, so if you don’t see it by now, I’ll send whatever you let me know is missing.

    Upcoming Contests and Rewards!

    Within a couple of days, we’re going to announce our nominees for Post of the Month, Compliment of the Month, and Non-Compliment Comment of the Month! The Threads-based contest was again delayed because I got super busy last month, but the parameters are already more or less set up – I hope to announce it either by the end of February or the 1st week of March!

    Outside of contests/rewards, we’ll also keep working on our mental health initiative, and also the financial aspect of the community. I’m going to be offering a very important job position this month as well, and we’re going to keep organizing things so that this community can run exceptionally smoothly. Exciting stuff, if I may say so myself!


    We’ve completed HSBI Unit payouts for January, and continue to build our curation power and other initiatives. The community is growing wonderfully, and the foundations for its functionality have already been set in concrete. Once Hive as a whole has a resurgence of active membership, we’re going to explode in activity, earn lucratively, and most importantly: spread joy far and wide!

    Don’t forget that you have the option to add hive-140084 as a 5% or 10% beneficiary to your post in order to support the community’s growth. We also give out Ecency Boosts and promotions for posts, sometimes a few per day!

    Have I captured all of the rewards correctly? How else can we increase engagement within the community?

    I would love to hear any and all opinions about these topics from everyone who is currently a member of FreeCompliments, since you’re all inaugural members! Anyone else who finds this page is also very welcome to voice their opinion. We’re all about free speech, and everyone’s experience has value.

    More posts with further ideas incoming soon!

    Disclaimer: FreeCompliments will be a beneficiary for this post, and I will attempt to boost it via Ecency points as well.

    Follow our curation trail and earn 1 HSBI per month!

    Here’s a permanent invite link to the FreeCompliments Discord!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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