Are you a SHEEP?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Are you a SHEEP?

    A strange question you might ask!

    Well the odds are if you are reading this, then you most definitely are not a SHEEP!


    Because you are probably reading articles that are on the trending page or reading articles from people that are the in crowd!

    And yours truly most defo is not part of the incrowd and these articles never get more than a couple of views and certainly never votes to make them trending!

    So good for you or rather good for me, as you are reading this, so my heartfelt thanks to you!

    But seriously, why I am talking about fluffing sheep!

    The answer .... PEER PRESSURE

    It is something that exists and I know we have all been affected by it one or the other.

    You might be a paid up member of the incrowd you succumb to peer pressure, most people do, take social media trends and even here on Hive, the trending pages. Do you follow them?

    I don't ....

    Maybe it comes with age and my not giving a fluff attitude, but then again I adopted this attitude when I was 12 and I have never looked back!

    I think Peer Pressure is more to do with not being left out. This comes back to the Are You a Sheep question...

    Maybe if we don't like being left out we are all sheep.

    Kids will be kids

    That is the most ludicrous excuse I have ever heard. I know some parents here would usually spout out that crap when their dear little Johnny had quire rightly been accused of bullying other children. Peer Pressure often leads to other kids joining in just so they don't bullied themselves....

    Kinda sad really.

    Now of course we have Social Media and all the crazes. Where is your tiktok of this craze or you doing that fad?

    Ehm ... I will tell you fluffing where! I am not doing it, I am not a sheep...

    I guess everyone still wants their 15 minutes of fame...

    What about you, do you want that fame?

    Adults will be adults sheep

    Hehe it seems back to sheep. I think as people age they become more resolute and less inclined to succomb to Peer Pressure....

    ,,, but then again do you have the phrase Keeping Up Appearances or keeping up with the Jones'

    You know the thing, next door have built this amazing garage to house their Lambo, so the missus is demanding you build an even bigger and better garage.

    Or the neighbour on the other side has got a new conservatory, oh no here comes the missus again Edward we need a new fluffing conservatory and we need it YESTERDAY!

    The joys of being a stubborn so and so

    Yes that is me. If someone tells me to do white, out of instinct I do black. Peer Pressure I long ago ignored, in fact it has the opposite effect on me.

    I love the underdog and often took a hammering for it. I never shirked anything and most certainly did not just blindly follow like a sheep!

    Sources and Reference documents

    This article is an entry for this month's Inleo writing initiative.

    You can find all the details in April Inleo Monthly Calendar Now Here!

    Todays prompt is about Peer Pressure

    All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on pixlr .com from a prompt by me.

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    ### **Haste Ye Back!**
    @tengolotodo.leo April 11th 2024

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