Prepare for the Magic in Fire and Regret Ruleset

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail.gif

    Heyyy yooooo
    what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using my own account and this time i am playing in Gold Modern Format League. And in this content i will sharing that in Fire & Regret ruleset, i think it is better that we are not bringing any range monster in the battlefield because it will be very harmfull to our strategy line up. And if i can thinking like this that means all player will having chance thinking like i do right. So, in this battle i am trying to outcome the opponent strategy this time. I want to testing that i will placing monster units that can counter magic damage so, if the opponent thinking using magic attack type, it will be super easy winning for me right. So lets see what strategy that i am using this time. But before that lets try understand with the ruleset first.



    Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Broken Arrows lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

    All units receive the Return Fire ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with ranged attacks receive damage back.
    Damage returned is equal to damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
    Ranged attack units with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
    The Amplify ability increases damage.

    See, if many player thinking same with me that it is not necessary to bringing any range monster, it will make player just bringing melee monster or magic monster. And dont forget that magic attack type have advantage that can directly hit to health and ignoring any armor except monster that having void armor ability or summoner that gives void armor ability like Grandmaster Rathe. Thats why in this battle i am thinking that i just need to bringing unit that can counter magic attack. Lets see in strategy phase, what strategy that i used this time.


    Strategy Phase

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    As you can see in the picture above this battle have 3 ruleset. The first ruleset is Shades of Gray that means we just can bringing neutral units in this battle but we still can choose other element for summoner. The second ruleset is Up to Eleven that means all monster will have amplify ability that can amplify back attack such as magic relfect,thorns, or backfire. The last but not least is Fire and Regret that means all monster unit will have Return Fire ability that can counter any range damage. The manacap that can be used in this battle is just 19 which is very low manacap for this battle. The only element that can be used in this battle is Earth and Life element. So it means we just can pick any summoner that from Earth or Life element but the monster still only neutral monster. So lets see my arrangement in the table below

    Summoner+1 Speed +1 Armor +1 HealthSince i am still rental player, i am just renting Lux Vega as the only summoner that i can play in ranked battle. Thats why i am using Lux Vega this time. But, dont underestimated Lux Vega, this summoner is pretty good because this summoner can pick any element that available and this summoner ability is pretty good too. Buffing speed, armor and health is pretty good for the team line up.
    Frontline Tanker I am using Xenith Monk because this monster unit is pretty good that cost low mana with 4 manacost and having though ability. Heal ability that can make for defence if this units get wounded, Void ability that can reduce any magic damage taken and the last is Magic Reflect that can reflecting any magic type attack that this monster taken. And with ruleset Up to Eleven the magic reflect ability can give higher damage and with the Fire and Regrets ruleset it will make opponent just have one choice left that is melee units to facing this unit
    Debuff Support I am using Venator Kinjo in second position to make sure that if opponent bring any monster that can gives blast damage it will hold by Reflection Shield ability that Venator Kinjo have. But the main reason i am using this monster because i want to utilize the slow ability that can make opponent got speed debuff, so it will make my line up will attacking first. And attacking first is having higher chance to win the battle.
    Support Debuff I am bringing Scavo Hireling to repair armor that given from my summoner Lux Vega to my Frontline Tanker Xenith Monk if got hit by any melee monster. Not only that this monster cannot be touched before going to frontline due the cmaouflage ability. And also this monster have slow ability that can reduce opponnent line up monster.
    AttackerNoneEven Though i am pretty sure that my frontline tanker can holding some attack but i still need to adding some attacker in my line up team, So i using Xenith Archer even this monster is range monster, Hopefully that this monster can gives some damage to opponent line up and helping my Xenith monk to defeated opponent frontline tanker.
    Back Attacker For the last i still need attacker and i am decided to bringing Uraeus for the backline attacker. This monster can destroy opponent backline with attack and poison effect. Also this monster having pretty good speed that have possibilities attacking opponent first especially this monster have poison ability.

    So, this is my strategy that having focus to magic counter in frontline that using Xenith Monk and backliner attack with Uraeus. If, Uraeus cannot destroy opponent backline at least my frontline tank can holding any magic damage attack. I am hoping that opponent did not using melee monster only.




    Okay this time i think my strategy is actually work because opponent using Obsidian as summoner that means opponent line up will be full of magic attack type monster unit. And it will make my Frontline Tanker Xenith Monk is working pretty good actually. Okay lets see how the battle going

    Round 1

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    As usual in round 1 both parties got buff and debuff from both summoners and monsters. In this battle my team got 1 Armor,Speed,and Health Buff from my summoner Lux Vega ability. And in opponent line up got 1 Magic Attack Buff from opponent Summoner Obsidian ability and 2 Speed Debuff from my Venator Kinjo and Scavo Hireling ability Slow. And after looking opponent line up. I think my strategy is really precisely perfect. Just thinking about how can i defeated opponent Dr Blight. Because Dr Blight will be more powerfull after any monster got defeated.
    So, after buff and debuff stuff the battle started and this time the first attacker goes to my Xenith Archer hit opponent Chaos Agent and get backdamage from return fire ability but just hitting my Xenith Archer armor and then my Uraeus attacking opponent Magi of Chaos and did not gives any poison status. Then my Xenith Monk defeating opponent Chaos agent and make opponent Dr Blight got additional max health. Then opponent Dr Blight attack my Xenith Monk and gives poison status and got magic reflect damage. Following by opponent Magi of Chaos attacking my Xenith Monk and got magic reflect damage too and defeated towards it.And the last is opponent Venari Spellsmith hit my Xenith Monk and get Magic Reflect damage too. Looking by this situation i think opponent will be hard to beat me. So lets see in round 2

    Round 2

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    Looking in Round 1, i can make sure that 80% my team will be the winner of this battle.But, don't forget that Dr Blight somehow can turned the table again because having poison ability that can my team line up will be easily defeated if this can be work. But i hope not. So before the battle started my Xenith Monk got poisoned and fainted. That will make my frontline tanker with magic reflect ability gone. Then the first move is my Scavo Hireling repairing my Xenith Archer armor and then my Xenith Archer defeated opponent Venari Spellsmith and Venari Spellsmith activate the redemption ability and gives each of my team line up 1 damage. Mostly just hit the armor except my Xenith Archer since after attacking and defeated Venari Spellsmith got backdamage throught the Return Fire ability. Then my Uraeus attacking opponent Dr Blight and gives poison. And after gives Dr Blight Poison, i think i can make sure that my team will be the winning team. The calculation cannot make opponent Dr Blight win at all. Then my Venator Kinjo attacking opponent Dr Blight too but cannot defeated it. And the last is opponent Dr Blight attacking my Venator Kinjo and same cannot defeated it.

    Round 3

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    Yeah in round 3 not much happened and before the battle started opponent Dr Blight fainted by the poison status effect. And that make my team win this battle.

    If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

    or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

    Prepare for the Magic in Fire and Regret Ruleset



    So after experiencing this battle i can make assumption that yeah i think many player will thinking same with me that in Fire and Regrets ruleset, it is better using magic monster or melee attack type monster to bringing into battlefield. It very easy if we can avoiding using Range monster instead building looping strategy that can make our range monster safe. Thats why it will easy too if we can thinking that opponent will using magic monster type attack in this ruleset right. Thats why i am trying in this battle and it is work. Opponent triggered using magic monster type attack. And i am using monster that having magic reflect ability that can counter any magic damage from opponent attack. So, i dont know very well it is either good for using magic type attack or melee type attack. But, if many player thinking same as me, i think it will more safe using melee monster in Fire & Regrets ruleset. But, remember melee type attack will attacking armor first and cannot penetrate armor except using monster that having penetrate ability. And it will be very rare and be hard to arranged i think. So yeah maybe i can suggest that gathering sneak attack will be good. So opponent will be hard thinking it will be magic attack or sneak attack.


    In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

    Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
    The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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    All images taken from Splinterlands website

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