Selling the idea of success

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I've seen so many folks recently diving into MLMs, bad crypto plays, digital content, and other "get rich quick" schemes that it's had me thinking.

    (Red flag is a red flag)

    A recent thing you might have come across is the content distribution model that is currently going around: you buy the 'rights' to publish someone else's get-rich-quick hack, and then you go ahead and sell that yourself. It's an MLM minus the 'team', and it's unsurprisingly extremely successful. A ton of MLM folks are jumping on this bandwagon, and, honestly: good for them! I don't have the time, patience, or disposition to do that bullshit.

    I also like actually making things when I create. Even this blog post designed to just spit my thoughts onto a page and solidify them into something external is a more substantial creation than what these folks are doing because at the heart of it, they're not selling a tutorial, or a video series, or anything.

    They're selling the concept of making money.

    And for folks in a crunch, the idea that they can buy a surefire method to make money is too good to pass up.

    $300 in and I can make $2000 in a week? How could you afford not to take that chance?

    Then comes the trick because you don't actually have to sell anything. At all. You sell the concept of making money, and someone buys that idea and one sale later you're breaking even. You can sell nothing all day, successfully, because how many folks can you think of off the top of your head that would have dramatic life improvement by being able to make $2000 in a day? Post a few screenshots of you succeeding and the money prints itself.

    We see the same in crypto all the time. Meme coins, nfts, vaporware bullshit that has hype and hope... And some of the early investors make off like bandits while the tail end folks eat dust.

    The old saying "if it's too good to be true, it probably is", is Evergreen. It's perpetually correct.

    No harm in trying if you have the capital to lose, but it pays to be cynical in the long run. Which I wish more folks remembered.

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