Bonitos para el paseo/ nice for the walk/ ESP-ENG

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Nos invitaron a salir de paseo a un circo, estaba dudosa en llevarlo pues el clima estaba algo pesado y me daba preocupación que no le gustase y nos tuviésemos que salir.

    Para sorpresa de todos se portó muy bien, y hasta se durmió en medio de la función, aunque la pasamos bien creo que no lo volvería a llevar a un lugar así aún, demasiadas personas, y si yo me aturdi no me quiero imaginar el.

    Apresar de todo la pasamos muy bien, fue su primera experiencia así. 🎪🤹


    They invited us to go out for a walk to a circus, I was hesitant to take him because the weather was a bit bad and I was worried that he wouldn't like it and we would have to go out.

    To everyone's surprise, he behaved very well, and even fell asleep in the middle of the performance. Although we had a good time, I think I wouldn't take him to a place like that again, too many people, and if I got dazed I don't want to imagine him.

    After all, we had a great time, it was his first experience like this. 🎪🤹

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