Presenting a Final Year Project on UAVs

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Being a final-year student is more demanding that all the other semesters I have been in. This is why I have been away for a while, and at the same time, I have been trying to diversify into other things and not let my life be centred only around Hive alone. I think this also contributed to my not being very active.

    This week I had my pre-data, which is the presentation of my final year topic (project), and also explained to them how I plan to build the project. I had been given my project topic since last year, and since then I have been studying and learning how to build it. My project topic is "The Development of an Unmanned Ariel Vehicle for Maize Disease Detection and Identification.


    Before the presentation day, we (my project mates and I) had spent the whole night together trying to make corrections to the slides. My supervisor had corrected some things and asked us to put in a circuit diagram and a 3D model of our drone. We had issues with doing what my supervisor asked us because neither of us knew how to make a 3D model and we didn't have proteus software or software to make.

    So what we did was ask a friend who knows how to 3D model to give us one of the ones he had made, and for the circuit diagram, we didn't make one. We just used some block diagrams and displayed the components needed.

    Here are some pictures of our slides below:


    On the day of the presentation, we were meant to print 4 copies of our slides and submit them, but because we got our slides ready before the day of the presentation, we were not able to get them printed. I got to school to figure out that our group was the first to present, and it was just 5 minutes away for the presentation to begin, and our slides had not been printed.

    I had to leave the venue immediately to print my slides, but when I was done, I was over 30 minutes late for the presentation, which added minus 10 marks to our score. The supervisors were not happy with us, so they put pressure on us while asking us questions about our project. In the end, we could answer most of their questions, and we were free to leave for the next set of people to present their project.

    Below are some pictures I took during and after the presentation.





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