Hello everyone. How are you today? I hope all is well with you and your family. After several days ago the weather was hot. But yesterday and today the weather was cool again. The sky was overcast all day, It's not raining. And there is no fog or smoke. Today my wife and I didn't go out. Our autistic son didn't go to school today. So we have to take care of him at home. Our son's mood and behavior are better today than several weeks ago. The boy rarely hurt himself. So I had free time to walk in the home garden this morning. And I want to update some fruits and vegetables in the home garden for this post too.
The atmosphere in the home garden this morning with the overcast sky.
Right now I haven't planted any new vegetables. The latest vegetables I planted 2 weeks ago: yardlong beans and winged beans. There are only two yardlong bean plants that have just sprouted from seeds right now.
The eggplants, green brinjals and green chili spur pepper I moved from plastic pots into the soil 2 - 4 weeks ago (I grow these vegetables at different times). Now them are growing more. Some eggplant plants grow very quickly. These are some of the eggplants, green brinjals and green chili spur pepper in my home garden.
The holy basil I planted in the home garden also grew more.
There were only cucumbers, japanese cucumbers, and luffa cylindrical that I didn't move from plastic pots into the soil.
Other vegetables that I planted 1 - 2 months ago : kale, cilantro, celery, napa cabbage and chinese flowering cabbage. Some vegetables can now be harvested for ingredients. And some vegetables, my wife harvests them for cooking many times.
The fruits in the home garden right now there are guava, jackfruit and papaya which are bearing fruit.
Finally our lunch today. My wife cooks it easily. She harvests kale and chinese flowering cabbage to stir-fry with canned fish. This dish is for me, my wife and our son. Son's food did not have chilli in it and the taste was not spicy. But my wife and I's food has chilies and it is spicy.
Harvest kale and chinese flowering cabbage from the home garden to cook lunch.
Cook stir-fried kale and chinese flowering cabbage with canned fish.
Stir-fried kale and chinese flowering cabbage with canned fish. Enjoy 😋
These are the stories and photos I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to see and enjoy my stories and photos. Please forgive any errors/mistakes. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye 🤗
📷 Take photo By Smartphone Vivo V30.
🌏 My home garden in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.