in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Every child is always a product of the parents. Genetically, everything a child is made of is gotten from the parent because the semen from the male and the egg from the female has to meet, the semen head gets into the egg, fertilize it to form a zygote ( the first look of a child in the womb ). Gradually after the usual nine months in the womb, the child is born. The child's face within 3-6 months expresses the face of either the father or mother and here in my country and tribe it is a common thing to talk about who the child looks like: but more importantly, we also observe the child to see what trait of the father and trait of the mother the child possess.

    The traits that can be passed down from parents to their offsprings are many both the ones that can be seen and the ones that can not be seen with the human eyes. They are height, physique, hair texture, hair colour, skin colour, eyes colour, nose, etc. Since a child is made up of the combinations of both parents gene, it is expected that the child express some characters they are from the parents.

    One Trait I Got From Dad

    I used to see my dad as a very disciplined man, not very strict but a man of action. When I was much younger, my dad does not really spend time with us nor sit with for long at home: aside for the nature of his job at that time, once he's back from work, he gives us whatever he brought home, which were mostly fruits or yoghurt or freshly baked bread from big malls. He sits with us in the parlour to eat, watch movie and then sleep. He doesn't talk much, I would say he just ask questions and give commands.

    When my siblings and I became grown ups, we started seeing another part of our dad, a very caring father ( before, we do not usually see this very caring part except mom is not around, then he becomes a mom for us). He used to act like he wasn't moved by any emotion. I later got to know that he used to act like he doesn't care because he always wanted us to be on our toes. My dad doesn't look like what his emotions are ( I know men are like this but his own was extra ).

    So I guess he intentional passed down this particular trait to me😂, my friends have complained so much about me behaving like I do not care even though they have seen me care so much about them many times. They complain about me not giving them compliment each time they look good in their dresses, when they make new hair, act so caring and romantic etc ----- I guess you know the gender already ----- I intentionally avoid those things even when I know I am supoosed to.

    One Trait I Got From Mom

    I thought my mom is always too emotional, I never knew it has been passed down to me but was recessive. My mom care a lot and I sometimes get uncomfortable when she is especially when the cause for her emotional drama does not really concern her (African mothers can be funny at times). Few years back, I started seeing myself care for people or even animals which is not my nature. I get moved easily by compassion and I literally would want to cry at some point when I see things that move me so much.

    I could have been so emotional in the same degree at which my mom is but Thank Gid for the trait I got from my dad, it gave it a balance. I know when to act like I do not care and I know when to act like I care so so much. And I think having that balance has helped me not to get hurt when I care too much for people and I do not get the same back.

    Thank you for reading till the end

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