My Favourite Flower

in voilk •  3 months ago

    @ecency-star released a prompt a few days ago, asking that we discuss our favourite flowers. To be honest, I don't have one, but today I looked out the window when I woke up and saw patches of yellow amid the green grass.

    Here's A Link To The Prompt Post If You'd Like To Check It Out.



    One flower has been just about everywhere all my life, and they were most likely one of the first I ever knew the names of. That would be Dandelions - because I remember picking one and all the other kids went mad saying that I was going to piss the bed... I didn't, evidently, but damn, I remember throwing it on the ground quicker than I thought possible.


    They have always gotten a bad rap over the years, and I think many people don't give them a second look, other than to bestow some sort of hatred onto the poor things.

    It's kind of like the difference between moths and butterflies. Everyone loves a butterfly when it wanders into their garden. People praise them and stop to watch them for a moment as they make their merry way to wherever butterflies roam.

    Moths on the other hand are treated like a redheaded stepchild and are shunned for simply existing. They're considered ugly, and annoying just for existing, or being in your presence... again, a bit like a redheaded stepchild.

    But, no, the abuse the common Dandelion gets doesn't just stop there.

    You see, they have transcended most plants - maybe due to the abuse they get.

    They can evolve into a new form as they reach the end of their lifecycle.


    That's right, they build up all that hatred and then turn into this weird little cotton flower, most likely so it can get blown away in the wind and never look back.

    But, that's not enough for most people. The fact that they change and prepare to leave isn't good enough, because people seem to naturally hate this form too.

    Upon seeing these sprout up, most people are inclined to kick them... again, similar to a redheaded stepchild.

    Anyway, that's it for this post, I figured that I would write about a flower that I tend to like/ be indifferent towards. Also, I thought it would be a good pick, considering they're something of an underdog in the world of flowers.

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