A park of shadows and a fountain of colours 📷 Malaga - Spain

in voilk •  4 months ago


    An aimless walk led me to find a natural space that surprised me with its beauty, order and the freshness derived from the shadows of the trees.

    This park is located in the neighbourhood of Cruz De Humilladero, some call it Parque Nayrix and I accessed it through the street of Alonso de Aguilar.



    It has a vast route and all along it, on one side you can see the Avenida Jorge Luis Borges.

    When I arrived, the first thing I noticed was the great amount of shade in the place, as well as well demarcated paths next to a beautiful path of leafy trees that stood out for their shade and freshness.

    A lot of bushes decorated the place and many of them with some flowers because spring was approaching and the days are warmer.

    I walked along those paths full of nature, the air was clean and you could hear the birds chirping. Finding this park and its beauty was a great surprise.




    It may not be located in a very central area, but it is a very visited place as it is close to the Teatinos neighbourhood, where all the faculties and universities of the city are located.

    The Avenida Jorge Luis Borges connects these two neighbourhoods and is therefore very busy. Finding a park in this place is beautifully relaxing and a place where you can walk in the middle of nature.




    Also, many people walk their dogs and I have seen groups of women and couples strolling here.

    Its paths are refreshing even at this time of the year when the heat is not yet intense, which makes me think that in the middle of summer it is an ideal place to take shelter from the high temperatures.

    It is very well maintained, the grass is well cut, the bushes are tidy and the trees are tidy.




    Taps water the place, keeping it green all along the route.
    As everywhere in the city there are palm trees, but in this case the variety of other vegetation and the luxuriance of other types of trees stood out more.

    Along the paths you can find seats to rest, have a picnic or simply admire the scenery.

    The shadows of the trees draw different figures on the grass, when the sun shines on them and its rays slip through the leaves.



    Looking up at the sky and admiring the leafy canopy was very pleasant.

    The park is quite big, I thought it would never end, there was more and more nature to see, wonderful.









    It also contains a children's park, with its beautiful games and I could see how in the evening many parents accompanied their children to play and had a lot of fun.





    A real green lung in the middle of two neighbourhoods full of buildings, it gives a breath of fresh air to the environment and that was very noticeable. The difference of walking in the streets and arriving to this place made the difference.

    I highly recommend it for walks, and to enjoy a bit of nature without leaving the city.

    In the areas where the sun was at its fullest on the grass, it was ideal to enjoy it, as I said, having a picnic or just enjoying the sun, in solitude.
    enjoying the sun, alone or in a group. It felt great to have the sun on your face as you walked on the freshly cut grass.

    The smell of freshly watered vegetation, with the warm sunshine and the chirping of birds. I didn't really feel like I was inside the city.

    I love the contrast between the green of the trees and the light blue of the sky and the soft clouds that were circumstantially present.




    As I followed the steeper path through the park I could see more people and a lot more sun in different areas. I was approaching the end of this beautiful place.



    Jorge Luis Borges Avenue ends at the so-called Fountain of Colours, which I could also see from one of the points of the park. Its official name is the fountain in the square of the painter Sandro Botticelli.

    This fountain marks the end of the Cruz de Humilladero neighbourhood and the beginning of the Teatinos neighbourhood and was designed by José Manuel Cabra de Luna and the architect Ángel Asenjo.

    It creates a very colourful and eye-catching roundabout with coloured pillars that look like pencils. A beautiful view at the end of a walk full of nature.




    I highly recommend a visit to this place, not only for the views of a natural space and the fountain, but also for the peace and tranquillity of the whole walk.

    Thank you very much for joining me here, best regards and see you next time.

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    All photographs are my own.
    Separators created by me in Photoshop.
    Used translator Deepl.com free version.
    [//]:# (!pinmapple 36.72013 lat -4.45989 long A park of shadows and a fountain of colours 📷 Malaga - Spain d3scr)

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