🐰Crochet a cute bunny 🐰

in voilk •  3 months ago

    (Edited in capcut) Hello!Greetings to people of this community.Bunies with their fluffy fur and twitching noses, bring an undeniable charm to the world. Their playful hops and gentle demeanor captivate hearts, reminding us of the simple joys in life. Whether they're munching on greens in a garden or bounding around in sheer delight, bunnies symbolize innocence, curiosity, and the beauty of nature's creations.That was on mind laterly so i thought why not give my ideas a shape.Thats why i decided to crochet a bunny.


    Material used

    1-Tapestry needle 🪡
    2-Brown yarn
    3-crochet hook 🪝


    R1:-make a magic ring
    R2 :-Inc ×6st (12)
    R3:-sc inc×6(18)
    R4:-2Sc,Inc ×6(24)
    R4-7:-Sc in each St in round (24)
    R8:- (2sc,Inc)×8(32)
    R9:-9sc,popcorn St(for tail,arms,legs) sc popcorn st,8Sc(32)
    R10-11:- Sc in each st in round (32)
    R12:-popcorn st 11Sc,popcorn stitch 7sc,popcorn stitch,11sc(32)

    For ears

    R1:-make a chain of 5 st
    R2:-C1 and Turn 5Sc 3sc into turning ch,continue down opposite side of chain 5(13)

    The process

    I started off with making a magic ring then increasing length Pattern.


    Then i made the body of bunny.i hooked a saftey pin on the first stitch as a stitch marker so that I don't forget from where did I started .


    Then I made arms of bunny.For that I made a popcorn stitch.thats a new one so let me explain a bit.You need to Dc five times in a single st to get popcorn st.once you have done that you have your arms,legs and tail of bunny.


    Once I was done with the body I stuffed it with polyester.



    Then i made the ears of bunny by following the pattern i have mentioned above.
    I stitched the ears on bunny using needle 🪡.


    When I was done with the ears I made the eyes and completed the other stuff.
    Here is the final results.



    That was all about the bunny.
    By the way I bought new Crochet hook and fluffier yarn to crochet this bunny.And it does help alot in making the things fluffier and cutier.
    All pictures belong to me.
    See you again.
    Take care.
    Bye bye 💞💞

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