Alive & Thriving Good Friday : Enjoying the Last Quiet Day this Weekend || AATYr4 || LarryIsAlive

in voilk ā€¢Ā  3 months ago


    For those who celebrate... šŸ™ have a blessed day! āœØ it's also fasting day for some. I'm not a strict follower but I try and lessen meat intake as much as possible on a daily basis. It's more for health reasons than anything else. I can't go on a diet though as I do take a few vitamins that leave me with hyperacidity if I do not eat much. šŸ˜‚ I do need to find the balance every single day.


    Alas, the online seller neighbors will be back tomorrow. šŸ˜’ No more peace for me and the outdoor kitties. How I miss those days in the past when these four doors were merely storerooms. At least those people took long breaks when they needed. Too bad they were raided for selling pirated items. šŸ™„

    Alive Chat Friday : Share Your Friday

    Well, for today, I turned off my earliest alarm and left the one that goes off ten minutes before six in the morning. I usually do a few minutes of stretching before starting my day. A bit of early morning chat with my daughter can be enjoyed as I have my breakfast too. It's almost her sleep time by then. What I love about vacation days is I can go about without hurrying as I did not need to clock in for work at around eight in the morning.

    I slept later than usual last night, so I guess I woke up just right today. My brain did not wake up early unlike yesterday. šŸ˜‚ I'm glad for the right amount of rest and sleep. The downside to sleeping too early is also waking up too early. That's why I need to have the right timing -- every single day.

    Totally loved the heavy rains that came around noontime today. So glad it came as yesterday was simply too hot. I almost turned on the cooling system. šŸ˜’ I thank the universe for the blessing of rain today as I'm sure it made my plants happy. šŸŒ± Glad I took time out as well to clean the hydro plant I've been meaning to clean in the morning. That's another task off my list. šŸ‘

    Well, I will be working on my postcards again tonight. I'll have them ready for mailing soon. šŸ˜‰

    Onwards to my #LarryIsAlive quest...


    Let me recap my quest today... (6/6)

    LN - completed the daily goal for the challenge šŸ‘ look the weekly one is now at 90%. As I need ten mails for tomorrow, there's a chance I can complete it too. Let's see tomorrow...

    CTPX - No more šŸ€ win today. Still I completed my usual daily run.

    LL - daily surf and convert completed today šŸ‘ it's quite a long journey to the next cash out šŸ¤£ still, I do the best I can...

    TAB - minimum daily surf completed šŸ‘ missed the lucky 888 points again but glad I get more though so I don't complain šŸ˜‰

    FAFY - Look I now have 1.5K rewards points. Just waiting for the new month to reset but I did an extra easy activity today. The added ads here do help add to my LL coop link earnings.

    ITB - completed my five shares today šŸ‘ guess I do this for the challenge but it makes me wonder if it's worth it as the share value keeps decreasing over time. šŸ™„ oh well...

    screenshots from my quest can be found below...




    >>> What's new? : Check out CTPX









    Infinity Traffic Boost


    It's a wrap today! Glad I'm pushing this out earlier than usual. It's one of the perks of being on vacation. I can slowly work on the postcards in a little while. For the meantime, it's great that I have nothing on my to do list but this... šŸ˜… (for a change)


    Have a relaxing weekend! See you on my next post tomorrow! Nighty night (early night off) from Manila. Ta-tah! šŸ‘‹


    credits for the new signature : @stdd

    My books are now available:


    Never Bother


    Don't You Cry No More

    DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
    More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
    NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

    I'm on HIVE 'coz of:

    My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

    Documenting my life's journey:

    My main blog ===> Fresh Start

    Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

    BTC address: 1A6X3avHQ3FqPyxMBxdJnzHe7iBBvKugHB

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