BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase: #467

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Welcome to BDVoter Daily Showcase.

    For those who don’t know, BDVoter is a curation project on HIve Blockchain that was initiated primarily aiming to encourage BD Hive users who were overlooked even after contributing to the chain with their excellent writing and meaningful engagement. However, the project has branched out to other communities and now manually curates worthy content on Hive including but not limited to creative writing, gaming content, travel blogs, sports talks, movie thoughts, and so on.

    Besides, in an attempt to support a healthy ecosystem, BDVoter keeps an eye on @Splinterlands content and supports weekly challenges (Art Challenge, Social Media Challenge & Battle Mage Secrets). As the project strongly stands against plagiarists and spammers, content creators are encouraged to produce high-quality, meaningful, and original content that adds value to the blockchain. In short, we believe in creativity, so, show us the best of you!

    We encourage everyone to visit the blogs that we carefully select and would thank you for your support and encouragement for these authors. If you love what they do, engage, follow, or maybe say Hello! Last but not least, shower some love on their content; it would be highly appreciated.



    This is a new initiative by the BDVoter team where we hope to increase cross-platform engagement between the Hive Blockchain, InLeo,X (Twitter) & Reddit. We share our Daily Showcase on X and randomly select one lucky user for our daily giveaway of 1 Chaos Legion booster pack. To participate in the giveaway, you just have to follow a few easy steps, as mentioned below.




    BDVoter X Contest

    1. Follow BDVoter Twitter Profile. If you already followed, then you can click on continue & you will get 1 entry point.
    2. View our latest Daily Showcase tweet & you will get 1 entry point.
    3. Retweet our latest Daily showcase tweet & you will get 1 entry point.
    4. Comment your Splinterlands Username & you will get 1 entry point.
    5. View our latest Daily Showcase Post on Reddit & you will get 1 entry point.

    That's it !! You can get a maximum of 5 entry points to participate in our giveaway. The giveaway winner will be announced in our next Daily Showcase post. So, the earlier you participate, the better your chance of winning 1 Chaos Legion booster pack.

    Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!: Opening Rebellion Packs of the X Contest / Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!: Abriendo Packs Rebellion de la X Contest [EN/ES]

    This post discusses the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge, focusing on opening Rebellion packs for the X Contest. The post provides information on how to participate in the contest and highlights the prizes available. It also showcases the contents of the packs opened, including cards like Fenmoor Haunt, Aria Bandit, New Sskah Drudge, Ahna-Chei Botanist, Reklah, Brewmaster Abraxas, Sultry Barmaid, Drybone Bowdog, and Executioner Kraan. The post includes images of the cards and details their abilities and mana requirements. Additionally, it encourages readers to explore more posts about the Rebellion collection and provides referral links for joining the Splinterlands project.


    Todo sobre “Lord Thanalor” (Las mejores y peores reglas para jugarlo) [EN-ES]

    This post discusses the legendary card "Lord Thanalor" from the "Splinter of Earth" in the game Splinterlands. The post covers the card's design, basic statistics, and abilities, highlighting its powerful magic attack and unique skills such as Amplify, Scavenger, and Rust. Additionally, the post explores the best and worst rules for playing with Lord Thanalor, providing insights on strategically using the card in different battle scenarios. The conclusion emphasizes the versatility and potential of the card, inviting readers to explore other posts in the series. Overall, the post comprehensively analyzes the card and its gameplay mechanics.


    The Magical Adelade Brightwing with Martyr Effect

    The post discusses a battle in the Gold Modern Format League on Splinterlands using the Fire & Regret ruleset, which includes the Return Fire ability. The author decides not to bring any range monsters due to the potential harm from back attacks. The battle lineup includes Grandmaster Rathe, Imperial Knight, Adelade Brightwing, Iziar, Stitch Leech, Time Mage, and Celestial Harpy. The battle unfolds with strategic moves and interactions between the monsters, ultimately showcasing the effectiveness of the lineup in the given ruleset. The author concludes that not bringing range monsters can be a successful strategy in this type of battle. The post also includes a link to watch the battle, encouraging readers to upvote and leave comments.


    Powerful Neutral Cards in Splaterlands

    The post discusses powerful neutral cards in Splinterlands, focusing on their abilities and utility in battles. It highlights key cards in different mana cost ranges, such as Chaos Agent, Xenith Archer, Dwarven Wizard, Venari Marksrat, Doctor Blight, Xenith Monk, and Clockwork Aide. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding card abilities and strategies for success in the game. The post invites readers to share their favorite neutral cards and provides a link for those interested in joining the Splinterlands community. The author creates images used in the post.


    Splinterlands - Battle Mage Secrets: Fire and Regret!

    This post discusses the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge in Splinterlands, focusing on the Fire and Regret ruleset where all units get the Return Fire ability. The author shares their experience with the challenge, the lineup they used, and a battle they participated in. Despite some initial misjudgments, the author's team successfully defeated their opponent. The post also includes a link to watch the battle unfold and encourages readers to join Splinterlands using their referral link.


    Splinterlands - I will miss the mobile app [ENG/DE]

    This post discusses the discontinuation of the Splinterlands mobile app on 04/02/2024, citing reasons such as outdated features and a desire to provide the best gaming experience. The author shares their opinion on the removal, highlighting the limitations of the app and the potential impact on new players. While acknowledging the need for a user-friendly mobile version, the author expresses a preference for the app over the mobile website for certain features. The post also mentions the Splinterlands team's plans to reintroduce the app in the future after website improvements. Readers are invited to share their thoughts on the decision and the mobile website. The post concludes with an invitation to join Splinterlands using the author's referral link.

    All images and quoted texts are the copyright of their respective authors. For better Post Preview Please use PEAKD frontend.

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