Mothers' Day Gifts from My Husband and My Daughter

in voilk •  2 months ago


    How was your day? How was your weekend? Last Sunday, people celebrated mothers' day. One after the other, my mom friends flex the flowers they received or the restaurants they ate at. My husband and my daughter did not forget to make me feel extra special on this special day.

    After our Museum tour last Sunday, my whole body, especially my feet felt so sore. I thought of having myself a foot spa at home. I told my husband that and he said I should not. I should go out and have a full body massage. I thought he was kidding. The following day, I find myself in Nuat Thai, a massage place that is famous for their massages.

    They have a way of making people feel relaxed. Before you get to your room, you get to have your feet washed. That was the first time somebody ever washed my feet straight at the sink (on the floor). The ambience music, along with the warm temperature of water washing my feet, and the masseuse's gentle hands were enough to make me feel comfortable. It somehow relieved some of the pressure my feet were feeling.

    She then led me to my room, even carried my slippers, and had me settled on the massage bed. They don't have the typical massage beds, their beds are on the floor, I kinda want that for my house. It's minimalistic and there's no room for dust or any monsters under the bed. LOL. I wanted to take photos during the entire experience but the room was dark and of course, the masseuse asked me to remove all my clothes so that would be something NSFW. Plus, I wanted to be in that moment, just enjoy the soothing, relaxing full body massage.

    I chose the Aromatherapy massage with herbal balls. This massage lasted for one and a half hours. She started at my food and legs which almost made me cry because my muscles were in so much pain and the massage was painful but felt so good. She hit all the parts that needed attention and man, it felt so good after. I also love the aromatherapy oil she used. I think I smelled peppermint or eucalyptus in there. I will definitely be looking for those massage oils.

    She took a little extra time with my legs and feet but she also did an amazing job with my back and especially my arms and hands. I realized my hands haven't been massaged in a long time, when she did, I almost felt my knuckles say thank you. Being a crocheter, learning how to paint, doing some calligraphy, and of course, creating lesson plans, my hands have been so used to doing hardwork. I never realized I haven't given it much love and relaxation in a long time.

    The massage finished with herbal balls that almost gave me a jolt when the masseuse put them on my back. It was a bit on the hot side, it's supposed to be just warm. She told me I have so much cold in my body so she needed to put it in a little bit extra warm. It took just a little getting used to, and when she was rubbing it against my back, it was like a warm blanket to my freezing soul.

    Once that was all done, I have paid for the massage, gave the masseuse a tip, I felt I was not yet ready to go home. My body was too relaxed, I wanted to sleep right there and then. It's a good think I brought my yarn and crochet hooks with me. I dropped by at The Coffee Project. It was just nearby the Nuat Thai Massage place. I stayed there for a little over an hour, watching Grey's Anatomy while crocheting blue roses for my future goddaughter wedding bouquet. Did I tell you I was asked to be ninang in a wedding? Man, I am getting to old matured.

    I did not want to go home yet but my daughter, who was much stricter than my husband has texted me Nanay, where are you na? I wanted to take them along with me for this relaxation day, but my husband insisted that I needed to have some me time. Bringing them along with me would just make me worry and would take away that relaxation time, according to him. So he gave me extra cash, assured me he would take care of the house and our daughter, asked me to just take it slow and have fun. So I did.

    He usually would just buy me expensive things for mothers' day. I would totally be okay with another yarn hoard. But he chose to give me some special time alone for Mothers' day, guilt free, worry free. By far, Tatay has given me the best Mothers' day gift. My daughter gave me a surprise Mothers' day card and (according to her) the longest hug ever. Sure, she was extra strict that I should go home by 6:00PM and that I should not stay out longer than that. But who wouldn't want to go home to such a sweet, loving, and perfect little father and daughter duo?


    Copy of Nanay Romeski (4 x 1.5 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (2 x 1 in) (3 x 1 in) (4 x 3 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (3 x 1.5 in).png

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