Vibes Music Competition Week #5 | "El diablo Suelto" in the Trumpet - nazatpt 🕶️🌎🖖💪

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Week 5.jpg

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    Que semana he pasado amigos, pero que no sea un impedimento para seguir compartiendo música dentro de la blockchain. Un saludo a todos mis amigos que aquí circulan, y a todos los participantes de ésta semana. Quise tocar éste tema ya que desempolvando un poco los manuscritos de mi habitación jajajaja, lo vi por ahí y empecé a tocarlo a ver si lo recordaba.

    Pensaba que mis grandes fuentes de inspiración eran totalmente infalibles, pero de hecho no. En un pod cast un gran trompetista al que admiro mucho, develó que aún las canciones que en sus grabaciones fueron perfectas le cuesta volver a retomarlas, y es una ardua tarea mantenerse en ese nivel para que el público no piense que está desmejorando.

    Wow, debe sentirse agobiante, no poder descansar de un tema porque se hace tu marca personal, y el público siempre querrá que lo toques igual de perfecto. En éste caso, seguimos siendo humanos, errar está en nuestra naturaleza. Acompáñenme a errar con éste precioso tema del compositor venezolano Heraclio Fernández titulado "El diablo suelto".

    Espero sea de su agrado y les de la voluntad de conocer un poco más de música latina. La cual esconde muchas proezas para el espectador europeo e incluso zonas cercanas. Gracias por llegar hasta ésta parte del post. Dios te bendiga!! 🕶️🌎🖖💪


    What a week I have had friends, but may it not be an impediment to continue sharing music within the blockchain. Greetings to all my friends that circulate here, and to all the participants of this week. I wanted to play this topic since I was dusting a little bit the manuscripts in my room hahahaha, I saw it around and I started playing it to see if I remembered it.

    I thought my great sources of inspiration were totally infallible, but in fact not. In a pod cast a great trumpet player that I admire a lot, revealed that even songs that were perfect in his recordings are hard to come back to, and it's a hard task to keep them at that level so that the public doesn't think he's getting worse.

    Wow, it must feel overwhelming, not being able to rest from a song because it makes your personal mark, and the public will always want you to play it just as perfect. In this case, we are still human, it is in our nature to err. Join me to err with this beautiful song by Venezuelan composer Heraclio Fernández titled "El diablo suelto" (The devil loose) .

    I hope you like it and that it will make you want to know a little more about Latin music. Which hides many feats for the European viewer and even nearby areas. Thank you for reaching this part of the post. God bless you!!! 🕶️🌎🖖💪

    Vídeo editado en Capcut editor Pro version
    Imagen editada en Canva Editor
    Vídeo elaborado con un Tecno spark Go 2023


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